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Arts & Culture (page 9)
Looking for Love
No, we can't tell you how long it lasts
Is it ever okay to say 'themself'?
Shh. Don't tell autocorrect.
How 'Mardi Gras' Got Its Name
Quick: eat everything in the house.
Words We're Watching: Onboarding
Not everyone is on board
The Billion-Dollar Unicorn
This kind actually exists
A New Meaning of 'Moonshot'
From "long shot" to "giant leap"
What Does 'Quark' Have to Do with Finnegans Wake?
Physics, meet Literature
The Origins of 'Zika Virus'
It's named after the Zika Forest
A New Meaning of 'Whitewashing'
Old word. New meaning.
The Creation of 'Serendipity'
A word inspired by a fairy tale
Prepone: the opposite of Postpone
7 Words We Get from Robert Burns
Celebrate the Scottish poet with a list of words popularized by his poetry.
How -zilla is used to create English words
Words We're Watching: Intersectionality
What happens when forms of discrimination combine, overlap, and intersect
How 'Facepalm' Became a Word
A gesture of exasperation, disappointment, or stress
Vocab On Fleek
On fleek or not, fleek is a word worth knowing
A New Meaning of the Verb 'Ghost'
A New Word We're Watching
Why Jaywalking is Called Jaywalking
The shape of the letter J has nothing to do with it
What does 'cisgender' mean?
If your birth announcement still feels accurate to your gender, then you're cis
Say Bye-bye to Microbeads
Now you see them, soon you won't—at least not in the store
A look at early imaginings of floating skateboards
10 Sherlock Holmes Words Worth Investigating
The language in Sherlock Holmes is as intriguing as the stories.
Bio Break
Tech slang goes mainstream
The Eggcorn Doesn't Fall Far from the Tree
It sounds like the right word, but it's not.
Star Wars and Plain Words
How simple language made a movie more realistic.
A New Meaning of 'Liftoff'
What the Federal Reserve means by 'liftoff'.
Words We're Watching: A New Sense of 'Ship'
A New Meaning Of An Old Word That We're Watching
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year 2015
The events that drove the top lookups in 2015.
Frank Sinatra: Too Marvelous for Words
The one Sinatra recording that defies definition
Microaggression: A Not So Subtle Growth in Usage
So, where are you from?
Crash Blossom
A confusing headline that gave rise to a whole new term for the genre.
What is 'Health Span'?
How does health span differ from life span?
Words that Come from Characters in Books
A who's who of literary allusions
Where did that h/t come from?
And what exactly does it mean?
What Are 'Practical Effects'?
Or, How Star Wars Was Made
What is ragtime?
E.L. Doctorow's (1931-2015) famous novel celebrated this syncopated music
The 'Athleisure' Trend
Athleisure: Words We're Watching
What is Cakeage
Cakeage: Words We're Watching
Heroin, Granola, & More: Products That Became Words
Top 10 Words from Trademarks
Mx. - A Gender-Neutral Honorific
Words We're Watching
What does 'ICYMI' mean?
ICYMI: Words We're Watching
Words We're Watching
The Joy of Tom Swifties
Funny and Exuberant Puns That Turn Adverbs into Punchlines
That Shrinking Feeling
'Valar Morghulis' and the Histories of Game of Thrones Words
From Septon to Smallclothes
Showrunners Go Mainstream
More than producer, more than writer
Food Words Worth Savoring
Piquant, ambrosial, and more
What's a chyron?
It's that thing at the bottom of your TV screen
A New Meaning of 'Optics'
Of the political, not the optometric variety
The Rise of "Fat Bikes" – Big Wheels for the Snow
Fat Bike
As Marijuana Goes Mainstream, So Does Its Slang
Downton Abbey Terms Americans May Not Be Familiar With
Just how important is an Earl?
What's a 'Lady' in the British Aristocracy?
A guide to one of the most-used titles on Downton Abbey
Word of the Year Retrospective
Editors Choose Their Favorite Words from the Past Decade
2014 Word of the Year: Culture
Here's What this Year's Top Lookups Say About Us
Talking Turkey at Thanksgiving
The best way to avoid uncomfortable conversation at Thanksgiving? Talk about the food.
Seen & Heard: Good Quotes From Great Books
Favorite "Seen & Heard" Comments from Readers
Favorite Pictures in the Dictionary
Exotic & Intriguing Things, Well Illustrated
Pictures in the Dictionary
The story of those iconic illustrations.
In the Details: Architecture Terms Worth Looking At
Keystone, mansard, newel, and more
Top 10 Words from the Bible
'Forbidden Fruit', 'Armageddon', 'Good Samaritan' & More
Where Did 'Hip Hop' Get Its Name?
Top 10 Words of the '80s
Language Inspired by Filmmakers
'Hitchcockian,' 'Felliniesque,' and other styles inspired by film legends
What Crisis Did 'Celebutante' Emerge From?
Top 10 Mashup Words
Top 10 Words of the '00s
When 'google' became a verb
9 of 9
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Can you solve 4 words at once?
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