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Est. 1828
Arts & Culture (page 8)
Tbh: To Be Honest, the Meaning is Perfectly Clear
What does 'otaku' really mean?
Is 'otaku' an insult? It depends.
A Poet by any Other Name
Poets are makers. Literally.
9 Financial Words With Surprising Origins
In the beginning, 'income' simply meant "coming in"
The Nuclear Option
Figurative use of the term 'nuclear option' is relatively new
The Origins of 'Side-Hustle'
The word dates back at least as far as the 1950s
The Real Story of 'Fake News'
You can trust us
9 Words from P.G. Wodehouse
'Jeeves', 'snooter', and more
The History of 'Thon', the Forgotten Gender-Neutral Pronoun
Whatever happened to 'thon'?
Nice to E-Meet You
When e-meet meets the dictionary
What does it mean to be an egg on Twitter?
Are you a good egg or a bad egg?
8 Ways to Face the Music
'Shimmy', 'waltz', & 6 more words from dance
7 Words for When You're Feeling Sentimental
Words for all those big, mushy feelings
What's 'balayage'?
The highlight(s) of your week
'Positive', 'Cheat', and 7 Other Words from Law
Don't be an ignoramus
We Added 1,000+ New Words to the Dictionary in February 2017
From 'binge-watch' to 'Seussian'
What's a 'Tweetstorm'?
Batten down the hatches
No, 'Snowflake' as a Slang Term Did Not Begin with 'Fight Club'
The lost history of 'snowflake'
7 Words That Will Expand Your Understanding of Cheese
From 'hard cheese' to 'headcheese'
Yes, 'Welp' Is a Real Word
'Welp' is over 70 years old
Will 'kompromat' make it into the dictionary?
'Apparatchik,' 'disinformation,'...'kompromat'?
Why do we say -orama, anyway?
Where Does 'Impostor Syndrome' Come From?
When you feel like you're faking it, but you're not
What's a 'Good Get'?
How to use 'get' as a noun
'Wassail', 'Yule', and More: The Stories Behind 8 Holiday Words
Happy holidays!
'Dark Post': Now You See It, Now You Don't
A new word for a new kind of ad
It's Not Just You, Charlie Brown
Lucy's suggested diagnoses, explained
Word of the Year 2016
Our top lookups of 2016
Jedi: Now in a Galaxy Near You
No robes required
What is 'world-building'?
And how do you spell it?
What Does 'Sapiosexual' Mean?
The heart's wisdom
What Is 'Meatspace'?
No, you don't need to bring napkins
Where does 'Friendsgiving' come from?
The term is relatively new
The New 'Normalize'
What does 'normalization' mean?
'Nail-Biter', 'Battleground State', and 7 More Words from Your Newsfeed
The history behind 9 words from the news
Can 'Other' Be Used as a Verb?
A verb that sets itself apart
The Mythological Origin of 'Panic'
Don't panic
Where Do 'Hot Takes' Come From?
Read this now
October Surprise
The surprising history of an election buzzword
Words We're Watching: Going Nuclear
How the election affects our language
What Does 'Pwn' Mean?
And how do you say it?
Words We're Watching: 'Lean in'
Is there a 'Lean in' generation?
The History of 'Alt-'
This is why we can't have nice things
What is 'dabbing'?
Three new uses of one old word
The History of 'Bull' and 'Bear' Markets
Which came first?
The Surprising History of 'Freelance'
Freelancing has always been a battle
What's a 'Downticket Candidate'?
And what's a 'downballot race'?
How Is a Klingon like a 12th-century nun?
The surprising history of 'conlang'
OMG: The Internet and the Dictionary
We're breaking it...down
To Boldly Go: Star Trek & the Split Infinitive
Can you split an infinitive in space?
'Picayune', 'Tribune', and 7 More Names for Newspapers
Ripped from the headlines
Aphantasia: When Your Mind's Eye Fails You
An inability to form mental images
It's Lit
An old slang word made new again
What Does 'Scale the Business' Mean?
Scaling 'scale'
What's a 'Headdesk'?
When facepalms aren't enough
What Does 'Wherefore Art Thou Romeo' Mean?
Not where, but why
How Journalists Are Redefining the Word 'Kicker'
The term's meaning has shifted
The Origin of the 'Ugly Cry'
No memes, just meanings
The Top 8 Political Buzzwords of 2016
From 'filibuster' to 'speechwriter'
What's the Political Meaning of 'Dog Whistle'?
Can you hear me now?
Do you need a makeunder?
And does the dictionary need 'makeunder'?
What's 'Hangry'?
Feed me. Now.
Singular 'They'
Everything old is new again
Spit Take
Don't drink anything while reading this
Stay Woke
Tracing the new sense of 'woke'
The verb 'adulting' is all grown up
To mistype something
10 Words Shakespeare Never Invented
We'll explain the confusion
A Short History of 'Retcon'
Retroactive continuity
Break the Internet
It deserves it
Noticing Senpai
A word we're watching...and watching....
10 Godly Words
Divine inspiration
Words of the Week: May 1, 2016
This week's lookups were driven by holidays and politics
Name Check
To mention approvingly by name
A perfectly cromulent word.
Words of the Week: April 24, 2016
'Boulevardier,' 'collusion,' 'gullible' and more
8 Poets Share Their Favorite Words
Pinsky, Rankine, Harjo, and others discuss the words they love
A New Meaning of 'Burner'
Will the new sense of 'burner' stick around?
Let us explain.
When Did 'Horse Race' Become Political?
What do reporters mean when they call the election a horse race?
Does 'Posh' Really Come From Ocean Travel?
It's a great story, isn't it?
Don't dox people!
Don't 'swat' them either
What does 'throw shade' mean?
If you have to ask....
Words of the Week: April 10, 2016
This week’s top lookups were so much fun
Happy Birthday, Webster's 1828!
Webster published his first dictionary on April 14
OMG, This Is So Awkward. Merp.
Don't know what to say?
A Glossary of Tax Terms
Happy words for the happiest season
Words of the Week: April 3, 2016
'Communism,' 'encryption,' 'rotten borough,' 'doobie'
Making Sense of 'Word Salad'
Olives. Tuna. Lime gelatin. Mmm.
Words of the Week: March 27, 2016
Word trends, stygian edition
What is 'reshoring'?
When offshore jobs return
Words of the Week: March 20, 2016
Fewer bombings next week, please.
The History of 'Side-eye'
We have our eyes on this one
Using the Dictionary to Write Poetry
Yes, the dictionary can help you write poetry
Go Ahead, Ping Me
What's the worst thing that could happen?
Words of the Week: March 13, 2016
Holidays and Politics (still) drove people to the dictionary
Words We're Watching: Secret Sauce
It makes all the difference
If You Love Clothes, You Need These 11 Words
Pretty styles, ugly names
Where Does the Phrase 'Barn Burner' Come From?
This one's pretty exciting
Subtweet: Subtext, Twitter-style
First used by Twitter in 2006
What Do You Call a Woman with the Rank of a Marquess?
Hint: it's not "poor Edith"
Is 'None' Singular or Plural?
Or both? Or neither?
How 'Cadence' Became a Business Term
Music isn't the only thing with rhythm
Red Carpet Words: Our Top 7 Movie-Related Word Trends
Get ready for your close-up, 'revenant'
We can't ignore this word
11 Words from the Bible You Didn't Know Were Biblical
'Nimrod', 'scapegoat', and other good words from the Good Book
A New Meaning of 'Deprecate'
Why do some people use 'deprecated' to describe obsolescent technology?
We ♥ the Verb 'Heart'
The history of 'heart' as a verb
8 of 9
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Can you solve 4 words at once?
Word of the Day
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