How to Use woodpecker in a Sentence
The state's largest woodpecker, the bird bores 3- to 4-inch holes in the trunks of dead trees.
—Chelsey Lewis, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 5 Apr. 2018
The woodpeckers have learned that the granary tree is the best way to do this.
—Ernie Cowan Outdoors,, 7 Apr. 2018
The woods are quiet, but for the drilling of a woodpecker.
—Laurie Hertzel, Star Tribune, 29 Jan. 2021
At no point does the woodpecker appear to deal the chicks a death blow.
—Jason Bittel, Smithsonian, 4 Jan. 2017
The woodpeckers make their homes in the cavities of the tress that can take years to create.
—Michael T. Nietzel, Forbes, 4 Oct. 2024
Somehow, a woodpecker in the desert just didn’t seem right.
—Ernie Cowan, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Sep. 2019
The owls often like to make their nests in the cavities that woodpeckers have left in the trees.
—Shannon Sims, Smithsonian Magazine, 28 Mar. 2023
The woodpecker moved on, and the owlet fledged with its two siblings about an hour later.
—Cecilia Rodriguez, Forbes, 11 Dec. 2024
By the way, this is an adult male red-bellied woodpecker.
—Teresa M. Hanafin,, 19 Oct. 2022
Herons, egrets, sandhill cranes and pileated woodpeckers are among the dozens of species of birds that hang out here.
—Judy Rose, Detroit Free Press, 14 Sep. 2019
Hear about the woodpeckers in Indiana and learn how to attract them to your own yard.
—Karl Schneider, The Indianapolis Star, 11 Apr. 2024
Even a woodpecker shimmies down from atop the tree, but heads back up for insects.
—Allan Ripp, WSJ, 9 Nov. 2020
As if on cue, a woodpecker swooped in and began to poke its long, narrow beak into the thick trunk.
—Quanta Magazine, 29 Nov. 2021
Despite many searches mounted over the years, the woodpecker hadn’t been seen in decades.
—Los Angeles Times, 28 Oct. 2021
Keep an eye out for this desert woodpecker as another species to add to your life list.
—Ernie Cowan, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Sep. 2019
The same woodpecker attacked the soffits on both of our houses.
—Matthew Klam, The New Yorker, 12 Dec. 2022
In the meantime, spring is peeking through, and the two older ones are busy naming the bugs, the fox, and the woodpecker that can be seen through our windows.
—Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, 17 Apr. 2020
Puffs of snow blow through a wall of open glass doors; a sweep of white landscape is pierced only by spindly trees and the scarlet legs of a woodpecker.
—Danielle Demetriou, Condé Nast Traveler, 21 Nov. 2023
The estate of Jorge Figueroa claims the state should have removed the tree, which the suit describes as rotting and covered in woodpecker holes.
—Aimee Green,, 7 Feb. 2018
Downy, hairy, red-bellied, and pileated are the four common woodpecker species this time of year.
—Star Tribune, 21 Jan. 2021
The woodpeckers often hung out in her Colorado Springs, Colorado, front yard and had likely pecked through the ice to get a drink.
—Nancy Averett, Discover Magazine, 27 Oct. 2019
Holes that are in rows are caused by woodpeckers and sapsuckers.
—Neil Sperry, Fort Worth Star-Telegram, 7 June 2024
But findings about the woodpecker's skull bones might be more useful.
—Elizabeth Preston, Discover Magazine, 28 Oct. 2011
In Texas, a man claims to see the mysterious black-and-white woodpecker a few times a week on his land near an airport in Longview.
—Ryan Felton,, 3 Apr. 2023
At this point, the woodpecker begins extracting brain and blood with its long, sticky tongue.
—Jason Bittel, Smithsonian, 4 Jan. 2017
Small like a hummingbird or large like a crow or woodpecker?
—Amy Chillag, CNN, 21 Apr. 2020
There is no Wi-Fi or television at Tree Top, just the rustling of the birch trees and a cacophony of woodpeckers.
—Tiffany Thornton, USA TODAY, 21 June 2018
For a larger bird like a hawk or woodpecker that might try to sink a beak or talon into your skin, call in an expert right away.
—Purbita Saha, Popular Science, 15 Oct. 2020
The forest is a large and welcome habitat for forest birds like the veery, wood thrush, and a variety of owls and woodpeckers.
—Denise Coffey, Courant Community, 26 Apr. 2018
While a few species, such as American crows, blue jays, and most woodpeckers will peck through a light skim of ice, other birds may not be able to do so.
—Arricca Elin Sansone, Southern Living, 28 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'woodpecker.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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