How to Use unearthly in a Sentence
adjective- We left at the unearthly time of 5:00 a.m.
The hounds of the unearthly Wild Hunt may be the best known of these ghostly dogs.
—Kim Campbell Thornton, sacbee, 27 Oct. 2017
Still, echoes of a vanished bounty linger in the unearthly silences of the Ustyurt Plateau.
—Paul Salopek, National Geographic, 11 Aug. 2016
As his boat leaves the dock, his dog, which has been brought to see him off, releases an unearthly howl.
—Dwight Garner, New York Times, 5 Feb. 2018
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night to an unearthly figure with blood dripping down its fangs.
—Baland Jalal, Scientific American, 15 July 2020
The flowers, of course, are stunning, unearthly, and beloved by bees and butterflies.
—Kenneth Setzer, miamiherald, 27 June 2018
Soon the rover should drive down the ramp of its landing platform, ready to explore its unearthly surroundings.
—Jonathan O'Callaghan, Scientific American, 14 May 2021
And so Cassini will wave goodbye with a flash of unearthly light that no humans, at least, may ever see.
—Dennis Overbye, New York Times, 8 Sep. 2017
It is also believed that fairy rings are portals to unearthly worlds.
—Kevin Ambrose, Washington Post, 24 Aug. 2017
The concept was so unearthly, in fact, that private aviation first took off not as a means of transportation, but as a sideshow of sorts.
—Alex Hollings, Popular Mechanics, 17 Oct. 2019
Those unearthly appendages probed the empty space between us, tasting the air.
—Jacob Brogan, Slate Magazine, 18 Oct. 2017
Butterflies frolicked through the fields of sage, which glowed its unearthly shade of purple-green in the bright afternoon sun.
—Jamie Hale,, 1 July 2017
At lower altitudes, though, the weak but insistent wind can have its way with softer rocks, and that is the unearthly way in which Mount Sharp was made.
—The Economist, 16 Dec. 2020
The Nighthawk is a mean-looking jet, borderline unearthly.
—Alex Hollings, Popular Mechanics, 12 Aug. 2019
Those unearthly howls, shrieks, and grunts that burst out of tennis players' mouths may do more than just fill the silence of tennis stadiums.
—Eliza Strickland, Discover Magazine, 4 Oct. 2010
Yet, within 20 minutes, a fog bank from Puget Sound feathered up the valley, devouring the views as the sun imbued the mist with unearthly yellows and blues.
—Globe Staff,, 27 July 2023
And there aren’t enough words of praise for Erik Friedlander’s unearthly musical score.
—Colin Covert, Detroit Free Press, 8 Mar. 2018
In this translation from the Arabic by Jonathan Wright, Saadawi blends the unearthly, the horrific and the mundane to terrific effect.
—Dwight Garner, New York Times, 22 Jan. 2018
Set the feedback to infinite and create an unearthly wall of sound or push in the Lo-Fi button for extra vintage flavor.
—Popular Science, 27 Oct. 2020
The membrane between this world and the other is permeable; unearthly beings ooze through.
—Judith Shulevitz, The Atlantic, 16 June 2023
Magic, a kind of sorcery, was practiced by the brujas, who dallied with unearthly presences.
—Desideria Mesa, Good Housekeeping, 29 Oct. 2022
That unearthly scene with the technicians and the silver air penguins in the spotless corporate atrium….
—Bruce Sterling, WIRED, 1 Feb. 2010
The unearthly chorus this makes—think of a mobile orchestra of chicken-sized didgeridoos—rises up from the vast and glorious Wyoming steppe.
—The Economist, 3 May 2018
Immediately an unearthly chorus of wails answered the poor wretch from his friends outside the walls.
—William Gurstelle, Popular Mechanics, 16 Mar. 2017
Your story about an unearthly black dog or a benevolent poltergeist may entertain me or even give me a chill.
—Jess Zimmerman, The Cut, 31 Oct. 2017
To see the blossoms amid the mist was to glimpse a rare, almost unearthly moment, beyond what might rightfully be expected of any morning, day or season.
—Washington Post, 26 Mar. 2022
Tina Turner, a superstar, a legend, an unearthly force, and a source of inspiration for millions of people across the globe, continues to leave her mark on the world in more ways than one.
—Talia Smith, Harper's BAZAAR, 30 Mar. 2021
If any of these projects come to fruition, astronomers might solve these abiding mysteries — or uncover an even more puzzling trove of unearthly delights.
—Quanta Magazine, 7 Aug. 2023
Together, Lynch and Frost make for an ideal creative match, blending quirky small-town drama with unearthly horror.
—Devan Coggan and Christian Holub,, 25 June 2023
In Night Country, there are frequent jump scares and a pervasive sense of unearthly dread, but there’s as much talk of mental health and the deleterious effects of this shadowy environment as well as the poisoning associated with the mines.
—Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 2 Jan. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'unearthly.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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