How to Use tend in a Sentence
When the financial market is down, the price of gold tends to rise.
—Laxmi Corp, The Salt Lake Tribune, 11 Sep. 2023
What’s more, the wind guards also tend to slip out of the inserts when bumped or moved around.
—Will Egensteiner, Popular Mechanics, 7 June 2023
In the sports world, in the business world, in the Mountain Brook world, a lot of people tend to act like the smartest person in the room.
—Joseph Goodman | [email protected], al, 4 Aug. 2023
Over the afternoons, the tent also tends to people passed out from the heat.
—Toby Muse, Rolling Stone, 3 Mar. 2024
Couples, for the most part, tend to stay faithful for life, which can add at least three years on to life.
—Alessandra Signorelli, Vogue, 14 Mar. 2024
The Texas properties, on the other hand, tend to be more affordable in the height of the summer.
—Lydia Mansel, Travel + Leisure, 27 Jan. 2024
Deer mice tend to be bigger than house mice and have white bellies and brown or tan backs.
—Rachel Kurzius, Washington Post, 12 July 2023
For decades, the face of that product in Delaware tended to be old, white and male.
—Rachel Lerman, Washington Post, 19 Feb. 2024
When her husband moved to Delhi to work as a plumber, she was left alone to tend the couple’s fields.
—Uzmi Athar, The Christian Science Monitor, 21 Nov. 2023
Most mattresses sold on Amazon tend to be on the cheaper side, which is the main draw.
—Martin Cizmar, WIRED, 14 Dec. 2023
Selections with lighter leaves tend to last the longest.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 22 Sep. 2023
Utah Tech and Utah Valley students, meanwhile, tended to have the lowest salaries of the bunch.
—Andy Larsen, The Salt Lake Tribune, 5 Aug. 2023
The oil can also tend to split ends: apply it to the ends of the hair, wear a processing cap for 10 minutes, then rinse it out.
—Lauren Valenti, Vogue, 4 Oct. 2023
But Take Note This pick tends to run small, so if your kiddo is between sizes, order the size up.
—Maya Polton, Parents, 14 Mar. 2024
Convenience, though, tends to be a hollow virtue on its own.
—Amanda Mull, The Atlantic, 21 Nov. 2023
Younger women tend to have denser breasts, which can result in more biopsies.
—Christina Ruffini, CBS News, 30 Oct. 2023
Listeria’s worst tends to strike people over the age of 65, under the age of 5 and pregnant women.
—David J. Neal, Miami Herald, 8 Feb. 2024
With both teams out of the playoff mix, midweek games in September — after the start of the school year — tend to lose their luster.
—Alex Speier,, 11 Sep. 2023
Keep in Mind Custom items tend to have long production times.
—Jamie Weissman, Better Homes & Gardens, 25 July 2023
Kitchens tended to just sort of be like a big room with a bunch of freestanding furniture just sort of plopped in it.
—Johanna Mayer, Scientific American, 21 Sep. 2023
The high season is from January through April, when the weather is at its best but prices tend to be at their highest.
—Meagan Drillinger, Travel + Leisure, 12 July 2023
Mixing the pellets into the soil of the wool pot will result in thriving plants that require less tending to.
—Ebony Roberts,, 17 Oct. 2023
Mary tends to keep a low profile compared to her older brother.
—Francesca Gariano, Peoplemag, 4 Aug. 2023
But the truth, in each case, has tended to look more like erosion than revolution.
—Jayson Greene, Pitchfork, 17 Oct. 2023
Shipping tends to be a lot more difficult and expensive when the seas are teeming with mines.
—John Gustavsson, National Review, 10 Sep. 2023
Prospective postdocs also tend to be younger and are less likely to be Black or female.
—Jonathan Wosen, STAT, 6 June 2023
Just a quick note: The prices tend to fluctuate depending on the size, color, and specific style.
—Jake Smith, Glamour, 12 July 2023
Just a quick note: The prices tend to fluctuate depending on the size, color, and specific style, so go in with an open mind.
—Andrea Navarro, Glamour, 6 Oct. 2023
The concentration of these white blood cells related to immune function tends to decrease with age.
—Brenda Goodman, CNN, 7 Apr. 2024
There was a lengthy break in the action when someone in the audience appeared to require medical assistance and the Jonas Brothers paused the concert, leaving the stage for several minutes while security tended to the person.
—Ed Masley, The Arizona Republic, 7 Apr. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'tend.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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