How to Use sulfide in a Sentence
Among the molecules found by Webb was dimethyl sulfide.
—Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 16 Jan. 2024
The company struck a deal with the government of Papua New Guinea to mine sulfides off the country’s coast.
—WIRED, 28 Feb. 2023
Others have pumps to suck a bite dry, or sulfide to sterilize it.
—Kyle Dickman, Outside Online, 20 June 2018
Back in play' The challenge of sulfide mining centers on waste rock as a source of acid mining drainage.
—Lee Bergquist, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9 Sep. 2017
Many of the foods that contribute to stinky breath do so by releasing sulfides.
—Sandee Lamotte, CNN, 5 May 2020
Some headed to the places that seemed most likely to yield these magmatic sulfides.
—Josh Goldman, IEEE Spectrum, 29 Apr. 2023
Selenium sulfide and zinc pyrithione treat the source of the problem by reducing the amount of fungus on the scalp.
—Leeann Duggan, Allure, 19 Oct. 2017
Hydrogen sulfide is a foul-smelling gas that can be toxic at high levels.
—CBS News, 11 Oct. 2024
Sniffer turtles Turtles use a range of airborne cues—including dimethyl sulfide—to alert them to the presence of food.
—Cathleen O'Grady, Ars Technica, 14 Mar. 2020
The discovery of the arsenic sulfide pigments is part of the Operation Night Watch project that began in 2019.
—George Nelson,, 26 July 2024
Norway is instead looking to exploit the cobalt-rich crusts and polymetallic sulfides on its seabed.
—Eliza Gkritsi, WIRED, 12 Jan. 2024
Plants draw in carbonyl sulfide along with carbon dioxide.
—Carl Zimmer, New York Times, 5 Apr. 2017
That's because minerals such as copper are buried in sulfide-bearing rock that must be crushed for the copper to be released.
—Jennifer Bjorhus, Star Tribune, 19 July 2021
Metals like gold and copper that occur in sulfide ore bodies have not been mined in Wisconsin since the Flambeau mine shut down in 1997.
—Chicago Tribune, 10 May 2023
The manganese sulfide episode echoes a scientific scandal two decades ago at Bell Labs in New Jersey.
—Kenneth Chang, New York Times, 26 July 2023
The company plans to bury the waste bedrock in old portions of the mine and remove nearly all sulfides from ore-bearing rock during processing.
—Steve Karnowski, Twin Cities, 18 Dec. 2019
Along with all the lava, the volcano released lots of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.
—Scientific American Blog Network, 21 Apr. 2017
Hydrogen sulfide is not known to cause cancer in humans.
—Julia Musto, Fox News, 14 Mar. 2023
Glass with the nickel sulfide imperfection will then expand and break — before it is installed in the building.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 17 Feb. 2023
The kind of exploration proposed is called hard-rock mining, because the copper is encased in sulfide-bearing ore.
—Alex Kotlowitz, The New Yorker, 17 July 2019
Hydrogen sulfide could be in the sediment, which can kill fish and other life if there is a high enough concentration.
—Monica Cull, Discover Magazine, 6 Oct. 2022
The ore contains sulfide, which when exposed to oxygen and water, leaches acid, a major problem for copper mines.
—Jack Brook, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 July 2020
Yet all of these can come from abiotic sources, such as ozone from water vapor in the atmosphere, or sulfides from volcanoes.
—WIRED, 2 Oct. 2023
Evers noted that the law does give companies that want to develop sulfide mines in Wisconsin a way to move forward.
—Jason Stein, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3 Oct. 2017
Twelve streams on the Tennessee side of the park are listed as impaired, due to high sulfide and nitrogen emissions caused by fossil-fuel burning.
—Jon Waterman, Outside Online, 15 June 2020
But Xin and colleagues say the ferric sulfide clusters allow a more capable form of navigation to take place.
—The Physics Arxiv Blog, Discover Magazine, 30 June 2021
Iron sulfide, better known as pyrite or fool's gold, could have a new lease on the high life after researchers turned it into a magnet using an electrical treatment.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 31 July 2020
Hydrogen sulfide sometimes fills the air near the shrinking lake as decaying algae and other matter on the lake bottom are disturbed by winds.
—Ian James, Los Angeles Times, 4 Nov. 2021
The tarnish on silver is often silver sulfide, which is created when sulfur atoms combine with the silver.
—Laura Lambert, Better Homes & Gardens, 3 June 2020
And more recently, Hänni used Rosetta data to identify dimethyl sulfide (opens a new tab) — a gas that, on Earth, is only known to be produced by living organisms.
—Elise Cutts, Quanta Magazine, 13 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'sulfide.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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