How to Use spatter in a Sentence
- The dog jumped in the pool and spattered us with water.
- He showed me how to use the paintbrush so the paint wouldn't spatter.
- His clothes were spattered with paint.
- When you cook bacon, the grease spatters everywhere.
In front of the house, blood was spattered on the sidewalk.
—Beau Evans,, 9 July 2017
The lunch counter was spattered and smeared, a Covid petri dish.
—Scott Johnson, The Hollywood Reporter, 2 July 2023
The air is sweet and the sun has broken through the clouds and spattering rain.
—Jackie Burrell, The Mercury News, 30 Apr. 2017
His face was spattered with blood and the wires from the stun gun were still wrapped around his leg.
—Bree Burkitt, azcentral, 17 July 2019
There were drawings scrawled on the wall, a desk spattered in paint.
—Emily Witt, The New Yorker, 9 Oct. 2023
Frank Spencer's blood spattered against this frame and this door.
—Peter Van Sant, CBS News, 16 Nov. 2019
He was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and tennis shoes spattered with white paint.
—Ralph Chapoco, al, 9 Aug. 2023
Her apartment was in disarray and blood was spattered on her bed and a wall.
—Justin Jouvenal, Washington Post, 25 July 2023
Lava flows have increased, spattering molten rock that hit a man in a leg.
—Caleb Jones,, 20 May 2018
Place steak at least 4 inches below the broiler unit; do not place pan too close to flame or oil may spatter and burn.
—Lucy Saunders, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 27 Apr. 2018
Fingernail-sized hail spattered the tents for a short time as low spots in the land along the bayou filled with a few inches of water.
—Michael Democker,, 19 May 2018
The gator chomps down and the melon splits open, spattering blue goo everywhere.
—Michaela N. Vincent, CNN, 8 June 2018
Taking care to avoid being spattered if the caramel bubbles over, add ¼ cup of water to stop the cooking.
—CBS News, 15 Feb. 2020
The candles in the chandeliers overflowed and spattered wax on the clothes of the fancy people below.
—Patt Morrison, Los Angeles Times, 4 May 2023
The walls were spattered, from baseboard to ceiling, in blood and so much pooled on the floor that the police had to build a makeshift bridge to get to the body without tramping through it.
—Edmund H. Mahony,, 23 July 2019
Blood was spattered throughout much of the living room and kitchen, an arrest warrant said.
—Linda Trischitta,, 16 June 2017
The poison in question has spattered from the tips of African weapons for centuries, rubbing out wild beasts and halting the hearts of warriors.
—Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 21 Jan. 2018
Too much risk of getting spattered with flying blood (fake) or the innards of eggs (real).
—Laura Collins-Hughes, New York Times, 22 Sep. 2017
On the more-advanced back side, a man skied up alongside Kautzman, scarlet blood from his face spattering the fresh white snow.
—Karin Brulliard, Washington Post, 17 Mar. 2023
In addition, an illegible word was written on the back of the statue, and blue paint was spattered around the base.
—Doug Stanglin, USA TODAY, 24 July 2019
Carefully add the tofu, one piece at a time and watching out for spattering hot oil.
—Chris Morocco, Bon Appetit, 7 Feb. 2018
One that opened Saturday night was spattering, but no flow had formed.
—Washington Post, 14 May 2018
Hot vapor emerged from a crack and spattering lava began to erupt.
—Caleb Jones, Fox News, 5 May 2018
Police officers had no idea that the way blood dripped across the floor or spattered against the wall could help them decipher how a murder took place.
—Skip Hollandsworth, Esquire, 5 Apr. 2016
Basquiat is dressed in an Armani suit, barefoot, dreadlocked, paint-spattered.
—Stephen Metcalf, The Atlantic, 24 June 2018
In the bottom map of the trio above, the green spattered across the central US indicates up to a 30 percent rise in precipitation between the two time frames.
—WIRED, 20 Sep. 2023
- There was a lot of paint spatter on the floor.
- There were grease spatters all over the wall.
- The floor was covered with spatters of paint.
There was blood spatter on the walls and the body was nearly nude.
—Teri Figueroa, San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Aug. 2022
Make sure the nozzle is clear of spatter and that the wire tip is clean.
—Phillip Pantuso, Popular Mechanics, 27 May 2015
There were blood spatters on the dresser, bed and floor, deputies said.
—David Harris,, 26 Oct. 2017
The eruption has built a spatter cone, which is close to what the name implies.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 22 Mar. 2021
If Lizzie was the killer, wouldn't she be covered in blood spatter?
—Erin Moriarty, CBS News, 26 Mar. 2021
Reports The next showed a close-up of the spatter, as well as an empty shelf.
—Lizzy Rosenberg, Peoplemag, 21 Oct. 2023
One plug was found amid blood spatters on the pavement.
—Dennis Wagner, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2018
According to police, blood spatter was found in the home and in the trunk of Jones’ car.
—Tandra Smith | [email protected], al, 27 Sep. 2021
And that's why the blood spatter was so important in this case.
—Peter Van Sant, CBS News, 4 Apr. 2020
Carefully add the cheese to the hot oil, standing back to avoid spatter.
—Sarah Jampel, Bon Appétit, 2 Feb. 2022
Travis McMichael is shown with blood on his arms and shirt, with blood spatter also on his jeans and face.
—Pamela Kirkland, CNN, 9 Nov. 2021
Blood pooled on the living room floor and spatters turned the white walls red, some reaching more than 12 feet high.
—Elise Schmelzer, The Denver Post, 15 Nov. 2019
Often the spatter of drops did no more than leave dark spots on pavement.
—Martin Weil, Washington Post, 15 May 2022
Casseroles and desserts can still bubble over, but greasy spatters in the oven are far less likely.
—Jeanne Huber, Washington Post, 27 Oct. 2023
Crime scene video shown during the trial showed blood spatter on the walls of the home, on the blades of a ceiling fan and on doors and pieces of wood.
—Elizabeth Zavala, San Antonio Express-News, 13 May 2018
The blood spatter found could place Murdaugh in close contact with at least one of the victims when they were killed, the source said.
—Randi Kaye, CNN, 14 July 2022
Which meant there should be blood spatter on the gun as well, seeing as it was fired about an inch from the victim’s head.
—oregonlive, 6 July 2021
And, of course, as these are death scenes, realistic blood spatter on the walls.
—CBS News, 14 Jan. 2018
Chlorine bleach is cheap but spatters can burn your eyes and skin and ruin your clothes.
—Jeanne Huber, Washington Post, 26 May 2023
There was a bloody pillow and blood spatter down the hallway, Houston said.
—Tim Stelloh, NBC News, 3 June 2023
The defense argued that shooting at that close a range would have left more blood spatter on Singh.
—The Enquirer, 22 Oct. 2022
Perhaps a spritz of lemon, a spatter of sugar, a shake of cinnamon.
—Leah Eskin, charlotteobserver, 7 Sep. 2017
Officers found the weapon with one spent shell casing in the bedroom, along with some blood spatter.
—cleveland, 19 Dec. 2019
Stites, court documents say, described the blood spatter on Camm's clothing to his boss over the phone.
—Sarah Ladd, The Courier-Journal, 10 Sep. 2019
Julie Ann Bonds died from a brutal attack that left deep cuts to her skull and a spatter of puncture wounds all over the left side of her chest.
—CBS News, 14 Mar. 2022
Don’t spray water onto flare-ups; you could get burned by hot, greasy spatters.
—Joseph Truini, Popular Mechanics, 2 May 2020
Some of the lava did reach the surface as a few small spatter cones are found along the linear chain of vents related to Blue Lake.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 21 Feb. 2016
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'spatter.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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