How to Use scrappiness in a Sentence
Troy turned on its scrappiness to open the second half.
—Ocvarsity, Orange County Register, 6 Jan. 2017
Macaluso's block gave the Chipmunks the lead again, and then Chapelle's scrappiness took over.
—Joseph Halm,, 17 Oct. 2017
There’s an inborn scrappiness to Beard, the 48-year old Texas basketball coach, and Ramey, the 22-year-old Texas guard.
—Nick Moyle, San Antonio Express-News, 17 Nov. 2021
Then, junior forward Cole Stone scored back-to-back goals using his scrappiness in front of the net.
—John Hand,, 27 Jan. 2021
The scrappiness of the Browns' defense was not lost on Ravens coach John Harbaugh, who's preparing for it this week.
—Mary Kay Cabot,, 13 Sep. 2017
The Falcons need a culture change on defense, and Samuel will bring scrappiness and a junkyard dog style.
—Ray Glier, Forbes, 21 Apr. 2021
The road to movie stardom wasn’t easy, but talent (sustained by scrappiness) won out.
—Los Angeles Times, 7 Jan. 2022
The lacy delicacy of his incised lines is all the more poignant for the in-the-street scrappiness of the detritus in which it is embedded.
—David Pagel,, 24 Mar. 2018
That sense of scrappiness has been a running thread throughout your career.
—Keaton Bell, Vogue, 13 Dec. 2021
Keene feels a kinship with the scrappiness of the independent music scene.
—Amanda Petrusich, The New Yorker, 26 Sep. 2022
Her scrappiness helped her make a huge difference for us in the transition game, winning the ball and getting it back down to the offensive end.
—Brent Kennedy,, 10 June 2019
However, that scrappiness is a hard thing to learn and develop.
—Frederick Daso, Forbes, 7 July 2021
The scene seemed to speak to the charming improbability and scrappiness of the whole endeavor — and, perhaps, to the challenges faced by theaters in 2022.
—New York Times, 31 Mar. 2022
But come the general election campaign, scrappiness may be what Democrats need.
—Mason Adams, New Republic, 22 Sep. 2017
That scrappiness is also part of TikTok’s aesthetic, along with notes of remix culture, which has been around since the late 20th century.
—Angela Watercutter, Wired, 12 Apr. 2021
On the plus side, the pugnacious Ailes instilled a scrappiness in Fox that became an absolute we're-No. 1 swagger as its ratings rose.
—David Zurawik,, 18 May 2017
Rivers and Campazzo are part of a roster that has shown its scrappiness and toughness under pressure to win games despite a number of injuries to key players.
—oregonlive, 29 May 2021
This team very much took on the personality of its coach, an understated scrappiness that often shined brightest in those moments on the floor when things got a bit dire.
—Bill Landis,, 19 Mar. 2018
The scrappiness of this particular elimination makes up for the amazingly dull Hall Brawl from a couple of weeks ago between the Ambers.
—Kyndall Cunningham, Vulture, 11 Mar. 2021
Sharlotka, with its one-bowl, few-ingredient scrappiness, cemented itself in the canon of Soviet food: Chop up some fruit, pour a batter over it and within an hour, the cake is ready.
—Washington Post, 23 Oct. 2020
Clark’s scrappiness is reminiscent of the players Cronin stockpiled his Cincinnati teams with and intends to sprinkle onto the Bruins’ roster.
—Ben Bolch, Los Angeles Times, 15 Nov. 2021
Consistency lacking Miller got to talk postgame Monday about scrappiness and fight because his team showed those qualities.
—Zach Osterman, The Indianapolis Star, 1 Dec. 2020
But, as the movement became more established, its pioneer scrappiness began showing signs of strain.
—Larissa MacFarquhar, The New Yorker, 13 Aug. 2019
There were periods of positive scrappiness at the defensive end.
—oregonlive, 4 Jan. 2021
Fulk, who is an enthusiastic champion of both Provincetown and Vorse, walked Lora-Faye and me around the house, extolling the virtues of a town that has survived on its quirkiness and scrappiness, its embrace of outsiders and free self-expression.
—Jordan Kisner, Travel + Leisure, 26 May 2021
The brand has won over consumers and critics for its vehicles’ safety, reliability and scrappiness.
—Jeff Yip, Houston Chronicle, 24 June 2018
Optimists compared him to David Eckstein, another diminutive infielder who was lauded more for his grit and scrappiness than for his talent or production.
—Alex Putterman, The Atlantic, 6 Oct. 2017
Several players cited Saban’s scrappiness when making the case for his mythical inclusion on the roster.
—Michael Casagrande | [email protected], al, 6 Aug. 2019
Reminders of the scrappiness of Oak Leaf’s operation are everywhere, including their handmade press credentials.
—Peter Hartlaub,, 1 Oct. 2020
That's the sort of scrappiness that creates a great employee experience by inspiring others — and allowing innovation to flourish.
—Kevin Collins, Forbes, 28 Sep. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'scrappiness.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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