How to Use scout in a Sentence
The Ravens are going to scout both Lloyd and Dean hard.
—Mike Preston,, 26 Feb. 2022
Shula hires him to scout the opponents for $100 a game to keep him alive.
—Tom Canavan, Star Tribune, 23 July 2021
In addition to the many vivid fish species, scout out sea sponges, eels, and Goliath grouper among the corals.
—Melissa Locker, Travel + Leisure, 25 Apr. 2024
He was scouted while being an extra on the set for the TV show, La Brea.
—Keryn Donnelly,, 24 Oct. 2023
After the win against American, the Tigers had more than five hours to scout the Panthers.
—Edward Lee, Baltimore Sun, 16 Sep. 2022
Even though there is no way the scouting plane can hear their voices, no one speaks a word.
—WIRED, 29 Sep. 2023
Then a scouting internship opened with the Jets, where his dad still coached.
—Ben Bolch, Los Angeles Times, 14 Aug. 2023
There are people on some of these larger staffs and their job is solely to scout the portal.
—Evan Dudley, al, 5 July 2023
James helped the Eagles scout his former team in practice.
—Mitch Fink,, 13 Jan. 2023
The owner, Yu Miao, scouted new sites, but, every time, the landlord got a call and Yu was turned away.
—Evan Osnos, The New Yorker, 23 Oct. 2023
Hurley shouldn't have much work to do on a scouting report.
—Michelle Gardner, The Arizona Republic, 9 Mar. 2023
The pair often crossed paths scouting high school athletes.
—Ryan Black, The Courier-Journal, 9 Mar. 2023
The 19-year-old is one of the best prospects to ever be scouted and beckons as a league-altering talent.
—Marlowe Alter, Detroit Free Press, 2 Apr. 2023
Read through for more on the week’s new names, the restaurants and hangouts to scout, and other fun things to look forward to at New York Fashion Week.
—Vogue Runway, Vogue, 30 Aug. 2023
The franchisee involved plans to open three stores in the area and is scouting locations for the other two, Cecil said.
—Lawrence Specker | [email protected], al, 23 Aug. 2023
That was the case when Travis was scouting fruitlessly for a pair of diamond earrings for a client.
—Jill Newman, Robb Report, 18 Nov. 2023
Max Homa returned from a scouting trip to the site of this week’s Ryder Cup in Rome incredulous with how the course had been set up.
—Paul Sullivan, New York Times, 28 Sep. 2023
While four men set off to scout out another route, the rest of the group gathered at the school, where villagers had prepared a breakfast of pancakes and tea.
—James Marson, WSJ, 19 Mar. 2022
For years, Michel and Christophe Pont scouted the whole of Europe and beyond in order to expand their collection.
—Miquel Ros, CNN, 2 May 2023
The fund will scout companies that are pre-commercialization and in need of funds to reach that milestone.
—Jonathan Keane, Forbes, 9 Mar. 2023
Several of his guides scouted the river in the preceding weeks.
—Pete Zimowsky, Idaho Statesman, 31 Jan. 2024
That is very much against the spirit of the NCAA rule that outlaws staff members scouting opponents in-person.
—J. Brady McCollough, Los Angeles Times, 11 Nov. 2023
De Jong built hers from scratch on a barren mesa scouted in New Mexico that offered epic 360 views.
—Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times, 12 Jan. 2024
Ryu portrays an archery coach who scouts Indigenous tribes in the Amazon for archers who could compete in the world championships.
—Patrick Frater, Variety, 10 July 2023
Gomez first crossed paths with Grande when he was scouted by her team to sell her a property from his company's listings.
—Quinci Legardye, Harper's BAZAAR, 14 Apr. 2023
Travelers can scout out some 50 waterfalls, a roughly two-and-a-half-hour drive from Atlanta.
—Fox News, 4 Sep. 2021
The Sox are already familiar with him from scouting Yoshida.
—Peter Abraham,, 12 Aug. 2023
All the while, Elsa is under the impression that Chanel is traveling to Madrid in order to scout the location for a new boutique.
—Lilah Ramzi, Vogue, 27 Mar. 2024
Newark has been scouting for tenants to occupy the big office building.
—George Avalos, The Mercury News, 13 Feb. 2024
Yet everything about the experience – from scouting to camping to trudging up steep mountain faces – feels the same as a ram hunt would.
—Christine Peterson, Outdoor Life, 11 Apr. 2024
Last in the line of march is our game scout, Smart, who is that, and the quietest of the bunch.
—David E. Petzal, Field & Stream, 31 Jan. 2024
Rodgers was practicing on the Jets’ scout team at the time.
—Antwan Staley, Hartford Courant, 8 Jan. 2024
Since it was formed, more than 100 of its scouts have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.
—Linda McIntosh, San Diego Union-Tribune, 21 Apr. 2023
Loyola coach Jimmy Borell didn’t even have a scout on the kid.
—Luca Evans, Los Angeles Times, 13 May 2023
Smee is there early to welcome a group of scouts from Troop 292.
—Lawrence Specker | [email protected], al, 2 June 2023
Malik Davis is the backup and has value among the coaches and scouts at The Star.
—Calvin Watkins, Dallas News, 24 Apr. 2023
That could change, of course, but those two are the only KU players on scouts’ radar right now.
—Shreyas Laddha, Kansas City Star, 2 Feb. 2024
The key is to stay positive, scout harder, and find the spots where people aren’t.
—Alex Robinson, Outdoor Life, 19 Oct. 2023
Butch Jones, who took over as the program’s head coach, allowed Travis to practice that year with the scout team.
—Josh Peter, USA TODAY, 10 Feb. 2023
Those scouts converging on Bellarmine are proof to the point.
—The Arizona Republic, 28 Apr. 2023
If that means starting, or sixth player, or helping on the scout team.
—Marisa Ingemi, San Francisco Chronicle, 4 Feb. 2023
Juniors in high school, many of them hope to catch the eye of a scout who can get them a college scholarship.
—Jim Higgins, Journal Sentinel, 9 Jan. 2024
Some Chargers’ fans might counter the anonymous scout is far too harsh on Herbert.
—oregonlive, 19 Sep. 2023
Also running back Frank Gore Jr., son of the former 49ers star running back and now a scout.
—Jerry McDonald, The Mercury News, 22 Apr. 2024
Despite Tart’s passion for football, college scouts didn’t share the same love for the big kid from Philly.
—Walter Villa, Miami Herald, 30 Jan. 2024
But the former Eagles and Ravens scout has 12 wide receivers — a rather large grouping — in his top-50 draft list.
—Mike Kaye, Charlotte Observer, 29 Feb. 2024
The spring event, still some three months away, is an opportunity for the Aztecs’ newest alums to turn the heads of NFL scouts.
—Kirk Kenney, San Diego Union-Tribune, 22 Nov. 2023
The Burma Army appears to have patrolled earlier that morning, and the scouts missed the signs.
—Jason Motlagh, Rolling Stone, 16 Apr. 2023
The location scout shot a few photos, but Carley didn’t hear from HBO until the end of 2006.
—Kyle Melnick, Washington Post, 6 Mar. 2024
Blackwell served as a location scout on the 1962 Bond film Dr. No, the first in the series which happens to take place in Jamaica.
—Jonah Flicker, Robb Report, 24 Mar. 2023
Then, scout which subtle touches would make the best design statement for you.
—Shivani Vyas, Better Homes & Gardens, 11 Dec. 2023
Most of the rest of his career was spent as an end-of-bench reserve and scout team contributor for Bruce Pearl’s team.
—Tom Green | [email protected], al, 7 Apr. 2023
Meanwhile, there were nearly 20 times that number of roles for coaches and scouts.
—Laura Bratton, Quartz, 7 Feb. 2024
One scout recently wondered whether there was anyone whom the Spurs would swap for straight up.
—Dan Woike, Los Angeles Times, 13 June 2023
But for now and the foreseeable future, Thompson is back to work and coaching the tight ends, fullbacks and scout team at Guerin Catholic.
—The Indianapolis Star, 31 Aug. 2023
Big brother Scott made sure the Antelopes had some of the Bears’ scout jerseys until the equipment showed up later.
—Pat Graham, Chicago Tribune, 17 Mar. 2023
And three lives that had diverged since their days in the scouts came colliding back together.
—Megan Specia, New York Times, 29 Oct. 2023
So are three members of the scout team that was so crucial to their sophisticated game plans, and three members of the staff.
—Mark Zeigler, San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 Sep. 2023
The sixth-round draft pick from Mississippi had impressed coaches and teammates with his work on the scout team.
—Gary Klein, Los Angeles Times, 19 Oct. 2023
To help their countrymen and the Allies defeat Hitler, to help end the war, the Allies needed the scientists to use this same work to prepare for missions to scout beaches.
—Rachel Lance, WIRED, 16 Apr. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'scout.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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