How to Use nonscientific in a Sentence
The results of a nonscientific poll for who children want to be the next president is released.
—Ed Stockly, Los Angeles Times, 26 Oct. 2020
Its images are, to use a very nonscientific word, pretty.
—Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 1 Dec. 2020
The flavor is mildly grassy, and the effect on me and my nonscientific surveyors was mild but noticeable.
—New York Times, 21 July 2021
The post-Atkins decade saw the rise of good fats, a nonscientific subclass of fats that includes the unsaturated fats in avocado, fish, and coconut oil.
—Jamie Lauren Keiles, Vox, 20 Dec. 2018
Anecdotal and other nonscientific evidence is telling me that the move to rename Lake Shore Drive is deeply unpopular with the public.
—Eric Zorn,, 14 May 2021
The same nonscientific survey of readers showed just under a quarter of respondents said all learning should be optional, not required.
—Leada Gore | [email protected], al, 26 Mar. 2020
People who don’t get up for the pregnant My brief, nonscientific survey of the recently pregnant reveals that the only people who reliably get up to give their seats to very pregnant women are other women.
—, 4 Nov. 2019
To a nonscientific observer, the question might seem straightforward enough.
—Marina Koren, The Atlantic, 15 Dec. 2020
The group released the nonscientific survey of 500 voters last week after Tuesday’s general election.
—NBC News, 11 Nov. 2019
In fact, in nearly two dozen random interviews with constituents — an admittedly nonscientific survey — not one person objected to Pelosi and fellow Democrats cutting deals with the president.
—Mark Z. Barabak,, 14 Sep. 2017
When Allison raised a fuss about the teacher’s nonscientific approach, the precocious future scientist was given permission to take classes at The University of Texas instead.
—Karen Weintraub, Scientific American, 1 Oct. 2018
Pate conducted a nonscientific survey of her podcast listeners that suggested about 17 percent of NFL cheerleaders are Black.
—Paige Skinner, Allure, 11 Oct. 2020
Van Duyne had a range of nonscientific interests, including Shakespeare, ethnic restaurants, foreign films, classical music and theater.
—Bob Goldsborough,, 5 Sep. 2019
Notions that millennials prefer urban living aren't necessarily true in Kansas City, where real estate marketers at Highline Partners found favor for homes and yards in a nonscientific poll earlier this year.
—Allison Kite, kansascity, 27 Mar. 2018
The president made public-health measures political by demanding allegiance to his own nonscientific facts.
—WSJ, 31 Dec. 2020
Other forms of traditional and nonscientific treatments have also been promoted.
—Vidya Krishnan, The Atlantic, 18 Aug. 2020
Our highly nonscientific survey found that early-’80s babies often feel culturally removed from 20-somethings and ambivalent about being categorized as millennials.
—Zach Schonfeld, Newsweek, 20 Mar. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'nonscientific.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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