How to Use muon in a Sentence
The faster the muon or electron, the heavier the W boson that produced it.
—Charlie Wood, Quanta Magazine, 7 Apr. 2022
Muons are like electrons but heavier – with 200 times the mass.
—Mike Freeman,, 3 May 2017
The muon is the heavier cousin to the electron that orbits an atom's center.
—Seth Borenstein, Star Tribune, 7 Apr. 2021
The muon is the heavier cousin to the electron that orbits an atom’s center.
—Seth Borenstein, USA TODAY, 8 Apr. 2021
Each minute, muons rocket through your skull by the hundreds.
—Ben Guarino, Alaska Dispatch News, 3 Nov. 2017
The clock would start when physicists generate the muons.
—Byadrian Cho,, 28 Mar. 2024
Megalodon, once the largest creature on earth, would have been a muon magnet.
—Jill Kiedaisch, Popular Mechanics, 14 Dec. 2018
The denser the imaged object, the more muons are blocked, casting a telltale shadow.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 2 Mar. 2023
Every minute, tens of thousands of muons pass through each square meter of Earth.
—Giorgia Guglielmi, Science | AAAS, 2 Nov. 2017
Travelling at close to the speed of light, muons shower Earth from all angles.
—Elizabeth Gibney, Scientific American, 28 May 2018
Over the next few weeks the Muon g-2 team will test the equipment installed around the magnet, which will be storing and measuring muons for the first time in 16 years.
—Aurora Beacon-News, 2 June 2017
Both sets of results involve the strange, fleeting particle called the muon.
—Seth Borenstein, USA TODAY, 8 Apr. 2021
One of the first times scientists used muon imaging was to search for hidden chambers in Khafre’s pyramid at Giza in the late 1960s.
—Giorgia Guglielmi, Science | AAAS, 2 Nov. 2017
For example, the electron and positron differ only in charge, and the electron and the muon differ only in mass.
—Paul Sutter,, 24 Dec. 2024
The endless muon rainstorm will shower the volcano at an angle.
—New York Times, 10 Nov. 2021
These are photographic films which capture the tracks of muons passing through them.
—The Economist, 4 Nov. 2017
There are three kinds—the electron neutrino, the muon neutrino, and the tau neutrino.
—Nandita Jayaraj, Quartz India, 27 Aug. 2019
The muon was one of the first unstable particles known, with its discovery dating back to 1936.
—Sabine Hossenfelder, Scientific American, 7 Apr. 2021
By the time the neutrinos reached the Earth from the sun most had changed from electron neutrinos into muon or tau neutrinos.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 15 June 2017
When a neutrino interacts with a neutron in the tank, a muon or an electron can be produced.
—Mike Wall, Scientific American, 16 Apr. 2020
Another idea is to collide muons, which are much heavier cousins to electrons.
—Chandrashekhar Joshi, Scientific American, 1 July 2021
But all of them were much lighter than either a proton or neutron, while being heavier than an electron or a muon.
—Ethan Siegel, Forbes, 18 Mar. 2021
The electron, muon and tau flavors would all be observable, at least in principle.
—William Charles Louis, Scientific American, 1 July 2020
The electron and the muon, together with a third particle called the tau, are types of leptons and the difference between them is referred to as ‘flavours’.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 23 Mar. 2021
This was the reaction, famous in particle-physics circles, of Isidor Isaac Rabi to the discovery of the muon.
—The Economist, 7 Apr. 2021
There are three types of neutrinos, referred to as the three flavors: electron, muon, and tau neutrinos.
—David Grossman, Popular Mechanics, 23 Aug. 2019
The downside is that muons are unstable particles, with a lifetime of two millionths of a second.
—Chandrashekhar Joshi, Scientific American, 1 July 2021
Unfortunately for physicists looking to depart from the predictions of the Standard Model, the muon seems to get its mass from the same place as the tau.
—Daniel Garisto, Scientific American, 6 Aug. 2020
The blue line shows the reconstructed track of the muon, and the red arrow denotes the energy of the undetected muon neutrino.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 24 Mar. 2023
That technique doesn’t work for a W, which decays into a muon and an undetectable neutrino.
—Byadrian Cho,, 20 Sep. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'muon.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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