How to Use inquisitive in a Sentence
Get inquisitive, grab a drink, and let the DJ set the vibe.
—San Francisco Chronicle, 23 Dec. 2022
Over the last few decades, Kertzer has turned the inquisitive tables on the church.
—Jason Horowitz,, 27 May 2022
The inquisitive emus are not yet clever enough to duck under the rope to get inside the pub.
—Rod McGuirk, USA TODAY, 31 July 2020
One of the joys of my job is to talk with bright, inquisitive agri-marketers.
—Sara Steever, Forbes, 26 Feb. 2021
Read, be inquisitive, ask for help, then roll up your sleeves and do the work.
—Meimei Fox, Forbes, 28 Jan. 2022
The schematics alone will keep the most inquisitive kid busy for hours.
—Roberto Baldwin, Car and Driver, 17 Mar. 2020
One of the strategies on the list is the willingness to be inquisitive.
—Simone E. Morris, Forbes, 31 Dec. 2022
The Cambridge kids seem to be a very inquisitive bunch.
—Emily Burack, Town & Country, 9 Mar. 2022
Life has shown me that the world perceives the inquisitive minds of gifted Black children as a threat.
—Washington Post, 8 July 2021
The inquisitive bird has been known to peck apart window trim and wiper blades on cars—and even steal passports from tourists.
—David Kindy, Smithsonian Magazine, 14 Sep. 2021
Aside from inquisitive looks, Underwood was able to get some dudes to high five and one gent to do a jig.
—Nick Romano,, 13 Nov. 2019
In the first, the dog is alert and inquisitive, wary of this new arrival in its territory.
—James Vincent, The Verge, 8 June 2019
It is all done with a smile and inquisitive look that is far from threatening.
—Kevin Acee,, 16 June 2017
In Ryan’s room, the inquisitive duo came across what looked like notes Ryan had prepared as a cheat-sheet for how to get more camera time.
—oregonlive, 26 Oct. 2021
Rosenthal is beloved by legions of fans who are cheered by his gung-ho humor and inquisitive quest for the best.
—Laura Manske, Forbes, 16 May 2022
Dogs are inquisitive and will probably be on the hunt for the noise-maker to destroy it.
—Ni'kesia Pannell, Woman's Day, 8 Dec. 2022
The camera becomes probing, inquisitive as chaos breaks out in the city.
—Murtada Elfadl, Variety, 8 June 2023
But perhaps a town that takes the inquisitive cake is Why, Arizona.
—The Arizona Republic, 1 Mar. 2024
Add an inquisitive female detective to the mix and the body count can only climb.
—John Anderson, WSJ, 20 May 2021
Some come from as far away as Europe and Asia; others are inquisitive neighbors from just up the street.
—Laura Kiniry, Smithsonian Magazine, 1 Nov. 2023
The inquisitive are told all their questions have already been answered in his book, on sale for $12.
—The Economist, 1 Aug. 2019
Not as effective at hunting seals as great whites, but more inquisitive toward the divers in the cage.
—David McKenzie and Brent Swails, CNN, 28 Oct. 2019
Ten days into the trip, the inquisitive reporter found himself at odds with the heavyweight champ.
—Jacob Bernstein, New York Times, 2 June 2024
Dear Amy: My son is 8 years old and is very talkative and inquisitive.
—Amy Dickinson, Washington Post, 11 Dec. 2023
Goins could hardly keep a straight face when the ever-inquisitive Michael asked her about the morning routine.
—Kyle Neddenriep, The Indianapolis Star, 31 Aug. 2022
Let your inquisitive nature take over and start the process of discovery.
—oregonlive, 28 Feb. 2020
For inquisitive baby girls, this name is the perfect fit.
—Martha Sorren, Woman's Day, 5 Mar. 2021
Prince William is used to fielding tough questions — even from an inquisitive 11-year-old boy!
—Stephanie Petit, Peoplemag, 17 Nov. 2023
For Fiennes, who describes himself as a lapsed but inquisitive Catholic, the movie stirred up long-standing questions about faith and history.
—Marco Della Cava, USA TODAY, 24 Oct. 2024
An inquisitive, adventurous spirit appears to be the special sauce as long as it’s channeled and catalyzed in a healthy way.
—Wes Moss, Forbes, 17 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'inquisitive.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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