How to Use humus in a Sentence


  • If your soil is heavy, coarse sand or humus can be added, and gypsum works well to improve clay soils.
    oregonlive, 7 May 2021
  • If food in landfills just turned into rich humus for the garden, there wouldn't be as much of a problem.
    Debbi Snook,, 18 Apr. 2018
  • Like all raised bed soils, the overall volume reduces as microbes and plants consume the fine humus.
    Maureen Gilmer, idahostatesman, 14 Feb. 2018
  • Plant the tubers 4 to 6 inches deep in well-drained, humus-rich soil in an area with early-morning sun or partial shade.
    Ciscoe Morris, The Seattle Times, 31 May 2017
  • For blueberries to thrive, the soil must be well aerated, moist, very high in humus, and—most important of all—very acidic.
    The Editors Of Organic Life, Good Housekeeping, 14 Mar. 2017
  • Volunteers are on hand so drivers can pull up, place an order, pay and volunteers will bag and load the humus in your car.
    Carol Kovach,, 29 Apr. 2018
  • All these problems are caused by fungi in the soil and can be avoided by rotating crops and by working humus into the onion bed to provide good drainage.
    The Editors Of Organic Life, Good Housekeeping, 1 Feb. 2018
  • Farmers were instructed to adopt practices that were supposed to build humus.
    Quanta Magazine, 2 Aug. 2021
  • And organic matter (humus) in a soil helps sponge up water to increase lateral spread of the wetting front.
    Lee Reich, Detroit Free Press, 7 July 2017
  • It’s not like growing vegetables that need a soil full of rich humus; native plants typically grow out of very lean soils.
    Los Angeles Times, 7 July 2022
  • There, the waste is heated in aerated piles, returned to humus, tested for contaminants and sold to the public for $23 a cubic yard.
    Mike Klingaman,, 4 June 2019
  • This is a very aromatic, pungent rum that offers up notes of green sugarcane, lemon zest and chocolate all wrapped up in an earthy/humus-like aroma.
    Joseph V Micallef, Forbes, 29 June 2021
  • KLB volunteers will be selling black gold humus, which can be used on lawns or in gardens, as well as new and different perennials, hostas and herbs.
    Carol Kovach,, 16 May 2017
  • Guests learn to use senses beyond just sight to experience the wilderness, like smelling the earthy scent of tree bark or the rich humus of the forest floor, and listening to the sound of a mountain stream or the song of a Pacific wren.
    Jayme Moye, Condé Nast Traveler, 25 July 2022
  • Older wetlands in areas surveyed by Delta-X aircraft are more diverse, their soil rich with humus from generations of plants.
    Fox News, 29 June 2021
  • Tall grasses grew on the site for millions of years, and their decomposition created a dark, rich humus that would later prove ideal for cotton farmers.
    Dennis Pillion | [email protected], al, 12 Nov. 2021
  • Decomposition of the leaves enriches the top layers of the forest soil by returning part of the elements borrowed by trees and other plants and at the same time provides for more water-absorbing humus.
    Jim Gilbert, Star Tribune, 8 Oct. 2020
  • Organic matter serves as food for earthworms, insects, bacteria and fungi that transform it to soil nutrients and humus.
    oregonlive, 7 Feb. 2022
  • Roots excrete some of it into the soil, feeding underground microbes, which poop and die and aggregate with decomposing flora and fauna to form humus, a dark, crumbly substance that is 50 to 60 percent carbon.
    Brian Barth, Popular Science, 1 Apr. 2020
  • The composting process employs billions of microorganisms to break down organics into the essential component of soil called humus.
    Emily S. Rueb, New York Times, 2 June 2017
  • While feminine in aesthetic, once embedded onto a beach, the plant both prevents sand dunes from moving against strong winds and eventually becomes the humus soil that gives rise to other organisms.
    Cheryl Tiu, Forbes, 11 Nov. 2022
  • The presence of recognizable plant parts as well as plant fibers and darkly colored humus indicates an ideal rate of decomposition.
    Julie Monahan, Good Housekeeping, 9 Sep. 2015
  • Any organic material and/or humus added to the soil helps retain that moisture, but mulch is a visible conservator.
    Margaret Lauterbach, idahostatesman, 16 June 2018
  • The discussion about detritivores, which process waste material into soil by way of their own humus-like waste material.
    David Gilbert, The New Yorker, 4 June 2017
  • If humus isn’t doing the stabilizing, perhaps minerals and aggregates are.
    Quanta Magazine, 2 Aug. 2021
  • The resulting holes admit water, air, fertilizer and humus-creating organic matter to the root systems.
    Washington Post, 7 July 2021
  • Fallen trees, colonized by fungi and other detritovores, are crumbling into humus.
    Verlyn Klinkenborg, The New York Review of Books, 6 July 2022
  • But the recycling of organics is arguably more important than that of plastics, metal, or paper. Composting transforms raw organic waste into a humus-like substance that enriches soil and enhances carbon capture.
    Rivka Galchen, The New Yorker, 2 Mar. 2020
  • Unfortunately, the annual humus sale was canceled this year because KLB coordinators were concerned about maintaining safety protocols.
    Carol Kovach, cleveland, 26 Apr. 2021

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'humus.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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