How to Use granddaddy in a Sentence
The granddaddy of them all, this is the vanguard of the style.
—Marc Bona, cleveland, 9 Dec. 2021
Meanwhile, the 747 was the granddaddy of the jumbo jet.
—Dylan Ogline, Forbes, 26 Aug. 2022
Then, of course, there’s the granddaddy of them all, at least in terms of impact.
—Philip Bump, Washington Post, 22 Dec. 2017
This sinkhole is the granddaddy of all potholes up in the city.
—Luke Broadwater,, 25 July 2019
My grandson ain't gonna march for the same things that my granddaddy marched for.
—Aaron Morrison, Star Tribune, 28 Aug. 2020
Ohio The former granddaddy of all the swing states, Ohio has lost a bit of its luster since 2016.
—cleveland, 24 Dec. 2019
Big James, my daddy, your granddaddy, one and the same.
—Michael A. Gonzales, The Root, 25 Mar. 2018
Through the first three quarters of the Granddaddy of them All, the Huskies all looked like granddaddies.
—Matt Calkins, The Seattle Times, 1 Jan. 2019
The brand may be 150 years old, but this isn’t your great-great-granddaddy’s Wiedemann.
—Matt Koesters, The Enquirer, 8 Aug. 2020
Fun factoid: Not even the granddaddy of the genre, Star Trek, did all that well in its original run on the evening in the late 1960s.
—Marc Berman, Forbes, 4 Nov. 2024
The granddaddy of today's X5M, this car has some of us worried.
—Tony Quiroga, Car and Driver, 7 May 2021
My granddaddy lived right off Turn 1 over there, 500 yards out ...
—Brendan Marks, charlotteobserver, 7 Oct. 2017
But the granddaddy of farm resorts was not a bad role model.
—Ann Abel, Robb Report, 22 June 2023
About 10 miles to the north is the midpoint of the granddaddy of Wisconsin bike trails: the Elroy-Sparta.
—Chelsey Lewis, Journal Sentinel, 21 July 2022
The Death Star is the granddaddy of all megabuilds, weighing in at 435 trillion Legos.
—John Wenz, Popular Mechanics, 9 Mar. 2016
This came to a head in the Panic of 1907, the granddaddy of panics, when the banking system collapsed.
—Maureen O’Hara, Fortune, 23 Mar. 2023
The granddaddy of them all, the holy shrine of stone crab, Joe’s stayed open for the summer, but today marks its 106th stone crab season.
—Michael Mayo,, 16 Oct. 2019
And, of course, the granddaddy of all election fiascos: Bush v. Gore in 2000.
—Patricia Mazzei, New York Times, 20 Oct. 2020
Pinkerton might just be the granddaddy of all emo albums.
—Spin Staff, SPIN, 14 Feb. 2022
The false dreams from which Spencer found himself freed were the dreams of the good ol’ boy, who goes to church on Sunday and does things as his granddaddy did before him.
—Graeme Wood, The Atlantic, 14 May 2017
Mexico vs. Chile is the granddaddy of them all, at least in this hemisphere.
—Avi Creditor,, 27 June 2017
The granddaddy that’s been tucked off Providence Road for years, this is half wine market and half deli.
—Kathleen Purvis, charlotteobserver, 20 Feb. 2018
And, of course, the granddaddy of all self-preventing prophecies, 1984.
—Clark Collis,, 17 Aug. 2020
The Midnight Sun baseball game is the granddaddy of all things solstice in Alaska.
—Beth Bragg, Anchorage Daily News, 20 June 2018
That’s the nickname my granddaddy gave me, basically from the time I was born.
—Tony Sachs, Esquire, 14 Mar. 2018
The granddaddy and brankroller of them all, football, still hasn’t won a conference title since Slocum in 1998.
—Brent Zwerneman, San Antonio Express-News, 12 July 2022
But Eau Tour is not your granddaddy's French restaurant.
—Emma Balter, Chron, 23 Mar. 2023
The granddaddy of the bunch is the trunk, available in black or the brand’s signature red, with a whopping maximized volume of up to 99 liters.
—Rachel King, Fortune, 24 Nov. 2022
To this day, mention of Dillinger's name elicits tales of granddaddies who shot pool with him, cut his hair, or drove his getaway car.
—Neal Taflinger, Indianapolis Star, 31 Aug. 2017
Also part of this collection is hats, jackets and socks all paying homage to the granddaddy of American guitars.
—Ron Hart, SPIN, 29 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'granddaddy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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