How to Use bighead in a Sentence
But by then the bighead and the silvers were out of control.
—Jeff Wheelwright, Discover Magazine, 24 June 2012
The other three are the sliver, bighead and black carp.
—Peter Krouse, cleveland, 7 Oct. 2022
The bighead pupfish swims in the Baños de San Diego, which reaches 111 Farenheit.
—Liz Langley, National Geographic, 5 Aug. 2017
Four species of Asian carp are found in the Upper Midwest — bighead, black, grass and silver.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24 Oct. 2020
Those species include silver carp, bighead carp, grass carp and black carp.
—Frank Sargeant, al, 6 Feb. 2020
There are four different species of Asian carp: Silver, bighead, black and grass.
—Sarah Bowman, The Indianapolis Star, 27 July 2022
The bighead, grass and silver carp in this case are different from the carp known as German carp or common carp which have lived in Wisconsin since the mid-1800s.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12 Mar. 2022
Of particular concern to the Great Lakes are silver and bighead carp, which gorge on plankton that other fish need.
—Washington Post, 10 July 2017
There are four species of invasive carp that have been introduced in the U.S – bighead, silver, grass and black carp, with the first three known to exist in Alabama waters.
—Leada Gore | [email protected], al, 13 Sep. 2023
Asian carp Skip to main content The Asian carp is an umbrella term for a number of invasive species of fish, including the bighead, black, grass and silver carp.
—Max Cohen, USA TODAY, 10 Oct. 2019
Subsequent netting and electroshocking in both areas failed to turn up a silver or bighead carp, dead or alive.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 Sep. 2021
Black, bighead, grass and silver carp occupy numerous lakes, rivers and streams.
—Carolyn Hagler, Smithsonian Magazine, 9 May 2023
When restoration began in 2007, invasive common carp could be found in Emiquon, but silver and bighead carp were not believed to be inside.
—Morgan Greene,, 2 June 2021
Siwik often fishes for spoonbill catfish and said the bighead carp fight similarly to that species.
—Mike Organ, USA TODAY, 3 July 2022
The department already has been actively tracking bighead carp, in fact, that’s how the silver carp was captured and implanted.
—Deanna Weniger, Twin Cities, 17 Sep. 2019
The positive bighead carp result came from one out of 100 samples taken from the Milwaukee River, according to the Service.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 Sep. 2021
There are actually four different types of carp native to Eurasia: bighead, silver, black and grass carp.
—Sarah Bowman, The Indianapolis Star, 15 Mar. 2021
The bighead and silver have proven to reproduce in high numbers and be especially destructive.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 24 Oct. 2020
Audiences who already know the names, places, and songs will have a bighead start over newcomers; there are English subtitles, but a great deal goes untranslated.
—Ty Burr,, 31 July 2019
While environmental groups and scientists have put much of their attention on preventing the bighead and silver carp from reaching the lakes, the grass carp already have been found in Lakes Erie, Michigan and Ontario.
—Washington Post, 23 Sep. 2017
The four species described collectively as Asian carp — bighead, silver, grass and black carp — were brought from China a half-century ago to rid Southern sewage and aquaculture ponds of algae, weeds and parasites.
—John Flesher, Detroit Free Press, 16 July 2021
The effort is focused on taking on bighead, grass and silver carp, non-native species that have caused damage to ecosystems in Illinois, Missouri and Ohio river systems, and are spreading north via the Mississippi.
—Laura Schulte, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9 Apr. 2021
Silver carp also tend to eventually outcompete bighead carp to become the dominant species of a water, Chapman said.
—Greg Stanley, Star Tribune, 17 June 2021
Voracious and aggressive, silver and bighead gobble plankton that other fish need.
—John Flesher, Detroit Free Press, 16 July 2021
Introduced from Asia in the 1960s to control weeds and algae, four voracious species — silver, bighead, grass and black carp — escaped from ponds in the South and have exploded in numbers along the Mississippi River and its far-reaching tributaries.
—Peter Kendall, Washington Post, 22 June 2022
The silver carp are of particular notoriety because of their propensity to jump out of the water and terrorize boaters, but the introduction of both silver and bighead carp could spell disaster for the Great Lakes ecosystem.
—Peter Krouse, cleveland, 7 Oct. 2022
Louisiana and Alabama fish farmers welcomed the bighead carp.
—Jeff Wheelwright, Discover Magazine, 24 June 2012
The fish — including bighead and silver carp — have made their way toward Chicago and, capable of reproducing at a rapid pace and gobbling up a lot of plankton, threaten to cause serious problems for other aquatic organisms.
—Morgan Greene,, 14 Dec. 2021
Grass carp devour stringy vegetation; black carp gobble mollusks; bighead and silver vacuum up free-floating plankton.
—, 30 Aug. 2021
While they are all considered invasive, bighead and silver carp, especially, have spread through the U.S. over the last several decades and resulted in significant damage to native ecosystems and fisheries.
—Paul A. Smith, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 12 Mar. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bighead.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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