How to Use alacrity in a Sentence
noun- She accepted the invitation with an alacrity that surprised me.
The world moves with the alacrity of an Aroldis Chapman fastball.
—Paul Daugherty,, 21 June 2017
So many people embraced the one click life with alacrity.
—William Thornton | [email protected], al, 25 Mar. 2021
Remove and serve with alacrity and joy and salsa and/or sour cream.
—Beth Segal, cleveland, 27 Aug. 2020
So there is no reason to be moving with too much alacrity.
—Eric Morath, WSJ, 13 Sep. 2018
Lately, the periods of alarm and alacrity seem to have shortened.
—The Economist, 27 June 2019
His writing is colorful and his narrative moves with all of the alacrity of a Bourne movie.
—John Ortved, Vogue, 30 June 2017
Dive into a corner and the A5 turns in with a kind of alacrity and confidence the two others don’t approach.
—James Lipman, Car and Driver, 1 Feb. 2018
When Rudy strikes, pins jump and scatter with cartoonish alacrity.
—Steve Friedman, Esquire, 29 Jan. 2007
The alacrity with which Hong Kong's private firms sought to prostrate themselves before the state drew scorn in the global business press.
—Fortune, 24 Aug. 2019
But equally troubling is the alacrity with which Japan imposed trade sanctions.
—The Economist, 31 Aug. 2019
Keeping up with the volcanic saxophonist could not have been an easy task, but Weiss did it with alacrity.
—Howard Reich,, 22 June 2018
Kansas is acting with healthy alacrity, as if the coach and momentum matter.
—John Canzano, oregonlive, 2 Apr. 2021
The lack of alacrity in decision-making here is, at best, curious.
—Kevin Paul Dupont,, 4 June 2022
Snap is running out of excuses about its Android app, and the company must move with alacrity here.
—Washington Post, 5 Feb. 2019
Despite their ordeal, many children push ahead with resolve, and even alacrity.
—Megan Specia Brendan Hoffman, New York Times, 28 Oct. 2022
Vaccinating kids age 12 and up, at the full dosage and same schedule as adults, should continue with alacrity.
—David Zweig, Wired, 16 July 2021
With one click, shoppers expect items to be shipped to them with alacrity and precision, across continents and oceans.
—Esther Fung, WSJ, 21 Dec. 2022
The results themselves would have had a similar impact even had they been announced with alacrity.
—Noah Millman, TheWeek, 6 Feb. 2020
Can it be ridden on the interstate with moderate alacrity?
—Joe Michaud, San Diego Union-Tribune, 15 Nov. 2020
But, even if the U.S. government had acted with alacrity and competence, there are limits to what such a system can do.
—Gideon Lewis-Kraus, The New Yorker, 29 Aug. 2020
English is full of doublets, because of the Norman Conquest of 1066 and because of the alacrity with which the language continues to adopt words from other tongues.
—Melissa Mohr, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 May 2021
For a show filled with technical challenges, pacing was swift and scenic transitions ran with smooth alacrity.
—Theodore P. Mahne,, 17 July 2017
But the supreme court showed little alacrity in hearing the multiple legal challenges brought before it.
—Vaibhav Vats, The Atlantic, 3 Feb. 2024
Companies have led the charge, swapping in bulbs at their facilities with alacrity.
—Daniel Gross, Slate Magazine, 2 June 2017
And Winston ran the Spartans’ break with alacrity, including a length-of-the-court driving layup in traffic which took him all of 7 seconds to go end-to-end after an Iowa basket.
—Chris Solari, Detroit Free Press, 26 Feb. 2020
Indeed, fast-moving technology companies wield the letter of the law against the spirit of the laws with a skill and alacrity that would make Montesquieu’s head explode.
—Matt Sekerke, National Review, 1 Oct. 2021
Given the skill and alacrity required to get away with these crimes, police think the perpetrators may have extensive training.
—Rachel Swan, San Francisco Chronicle, 8 Mar. 2022
Gevers blamed the delays on the Breitmans and the media, but concluded that the foundation was now prepared to move forward with alacrity.
—Gideon Lewis-Kraus, WIRED, 18 June 2018
Biden needs Israel to win its war against the terrorist group Hamas — a righteous war in which the U.S. has invested its treasure and prestige — with all possible alacrity.
—Noah Rothman, National Review, 17 Apr. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'alacrity.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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