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Words that Rhyme with faunizone
1 syllable
2 syllables
- alone
- atone
- backbone
- bemoan
- bluestone
- breastbone
- brownstone
- capstone
- cell phone
- cheekbone
- condone
- curbstone
- cyclone
- dethrone
- diketone
- disown
- earphone
- flagstone
- freestone
- gallstone
- gemstone
- goldstone
- gravestone
- gray stone
- greenstone
- grindstone
- halftone
- headphone
- headstone
- hearthstone
- histone
- homegrown
- hormone
- in stone
- ingrown
- intone
- jawbone
- keystone
- leone
- limestone
- loadstone
- lodestone
- make known
- milestone
- millstone
- moonstone
- mudstone
- neurone
- on loan
- outgrown
- outshone
- ozone
- pay phone
- peptone
- pipestone
- plasmon
- postpone
- ramon
- sandstone
- siltstone
- smartphone
- soapstone
- subzone
- sulfone
- the throne
- touchstone
- trombone
- unknown
- war zone
- whetstone
- white stone
- windblown
- wishbone
- anthrone
- bank loan
- bloodstone
- broad stone
- chalone
- chloretone
- clingstone
- cut stone
- dead zone
- downthrown
- drop zone
- drystone
- edgestone
- end zone
- enthrone
- fieldstone
- flavone
- free zone
- gritstone
- hailstone
- hard stone
- hip bone
- home loan
- hornstone
- ladrone
- madrone
- marlstone
- ohlone
- oilstone
- pine cone
- pitchstone
- red zone
- regrown
- rhinestone
- roadstone
- shinbone
- smart phone
- sulphone
- sunstone
- tailbone
- thighbone
- time zone
- tinstone
- turnstone
- upthrown
- whinstone
- white bone
- whole tone
- -sterone
- acknown
- aczone
- aitchbone
- arch stone
- ash cone
- ashstone
- backstone
- bad loan
- bakestone
- barbone
- barge stone
- barkstone
- base stone
- bastogne
- bath stone
- bay stone
- bayonne
- bed stone
- beer stone
- bell tone
- big stone
- birdstone
- birthstone
- bitstone
- bizone
- black bone
- blackstone
- bladebone
- blast zone
- boatstone
- bondstone
- bouffon
- boulogne
- brainstone
- breakstone
- bridge loan
- bridge stone
- brow bone
- browbone
- brumstone
- buhrstone
- burrstone
- burstone
- caen stone
- calf bone
- call loan
- camstone
- capone
- carstone
- cast stone
- chalkone
- chalkstone
- changoan
- charmstone
- chest tone
- chill zone
- chinbone
- chockstone
- clarone
- class clown
- clay stone
- cleftstone
- clinkstone
- co-own
- coade stone
- cologne
- copestone
- cramp bone
- cross-stone
- crush zone
- crust roan
- cupstone
- cut bone
- dawn stone
- day loan
- debone
- deep stone
- deep-grown
- dibstone
- dichlone
- disthrone
- dog bone
- doorstone
- dordogne
- downzone
- drakestone
- dripstone
- drop scone
- dropstone
- dry bone
- duckstone
- dumbphone
- ear stone
- earth tone
- edge tone
- edgebone
- end stone
- end-blown
- euphone
- evzone
- eye bone
- face bone
- face stone
- fall zone
- fault zone
- fenchone
- firestone
- flat bone
- flip phone
- floatstone
- flowstone
- fly stone
- flyblown
- folkestone
- footstone
- foreshown
- free-blown
- friend zone
- friendzone
- full-blown
- full-grown
- fuzz tone
- galjoen
- gamone
- gas zone
- gladstone
- goatstone
- grapestone
- grass-grown
- greenbone
- grinstone
- ground tone
- growth cone
- gunstone
- h bone
- h zone
- hagstone
- hairstone
- half cone
- half-one
- hambone
- hand phone
- handblown
- handsewn
- handstone
- haunch bone
- head tone
- heel bone
- high-blown
- high-flown
- high-grown
- highlone
- hoarstone
- honestone
- hum tone
- icebone
- inkstone
- inthrown
- jackstone
- jadestone
- jambone
- jambstone
- juglone
- knee bone
- kneestone
- knife stone
- lairstone
- lapstone
- lard stone
- lay bone
- lich stone
- life zone
- light stone
- long bone
- longstone
- mach cone
- madstone
- maidstone
- malmstone
- masstone
- merestone
- methone
- milkstone
- misknown
- misthrown
- moorstone
- moss-grown
- mosstone
- nail bone
- natchbone
- nose cone
- nut bone
- ochone
- ohone
- outflown
- outgone
- outthrown
- ozon-
- padstone
- parmone
- pavestone
- pearlstone
- peastone
- pinbone
- pitch cone
- plate bone
- pogon-
- pope joan
- potstone
- pouch bone
- preknown
- prime tone
- prozone
- psalm tone
- pulp stone
- pure tone
- quernstone
- ragstone
- rainstone
- raton
- rawbone
- red-roan
- redbone
- resewn
- reshown
- resown
- rethrone
- ridge stone
- ridgebone
- rillstone
- ring stone
- ringbone
- roestone
- roodstone
- roundstone
- rubstone
- rump bone
- sand cone
- saone
- sat-zone
- scotch stone
- scythestone
- sealstone
- seat bone
- self-sown
- shade-grown
- shank bone
- sharebone
- shear zone
- shenstone
- shield cone
- shoe stone
- short bone
- show stone
- side-blown
- sidebone
- sidetone
- silone
- size bone
- skip zone
- skystone
- slabstone
- sleekstone
- slickstone
- slingstone
- slipstone
- slopstone
- snakestone
- snow cone
- snowthrown
- sound bone
- soupbone
- spadebone
- spealbone
- speed cone
- spinebone
- spleen stone
- splint bone
- splitstone
- spot zone
- spumone
- squared stone
- starstone
- stepstone
- stinkstone
- stockstone
- street loan
- strike tone
- strike zone
- string tone
- sub-zone
- subclone
- subtone
- suckstone
- sultone
- sun-grown
- swinestone
- t-bone
- tail cone
- term loan
- termone
- test-flown
- testone
- thick-sown
- thigh bone
- thrombon
- through stone
- thujone
- time loan
- toadstone
- tombstone
- tongue bone
- topstone
- touch-tone
- trephone
- tripe stone
- tutchone
- twelve-tone
- two-tone
- tyrone
- umbone
- unblown
- ungrown
- unsewn
- unshown
- unsown
- unthrone
- upblown
- upflown
- upgrown
- veinstone
- veldschoen
- veldtschoen
- washoan
- wax stone
- wedge bone
- well-grown
- well-known
- wheatstone
- wheel-thrown
- whirlbone
- wind cone
- wine stone
- wolf tone
- wolfe tone
- woodstone
- work stone
- wristbone
- xanthone
- yoke bone
3 syllables
- acetone
- anglophone
- baritone
- bourguignon
- buspirone
- chaperon
- chaperone
- cobblestone
- collarbone
- comfort zone
- cornerstone
- cortisone
- dial tone
- dictaphone
- dithizone
- francophone
- geophone
- gramophone
- herringbone
- hydrazone
- hydrophone
- intergrown
- ironstone
- left alone
- let alone
- megaphone
- methadone
- microphone
- mobile phone
- monotone
- overblown
- overgrown
- overthrown
- overtone
- persephone
- pheromone
- rolling stone
- rotenone
- saxophone
- semitone
- silicone
- standalone
- telephone
- the unknown
- twilight zone
- unbeknown
- undertone
- xylophone
- allophone
- answerphone
- argemone
- biozone
- bristlecone
- burner phone
- combat zone
- coumarone
- diaphone
- duotone
- ecotone
- ethion
- foreknown
- funny bone
- graphophone
- hammerstone
- homophone
- interphone
- interzone
- leave alone
- linguaphone
- microloan
- mifepristone
- muscle tone
- neutral zone
- nonhistone
- norethindrone
- oraon
- osazone
- overflown
- pantalone
- penistone
- photophone
- precious stone
- prohormone
- pubic bone
- quinhydrone
- speakerphone
- stepping stone
- student loan
- temperate zone
- vibraphone
- active zone
- adder stone
- aerophone
- agapemone
- aglucone
- altar stone
- alumstone
- anklebone
- antiphone
- apex stone
- aquatone
- arrowstone
- asarone
- audiphone
- autophone
- auximone
- ayr stone
- azlactone
- azure stone
- baking stone
- bannerstone
- barbitone
- barytone
- bathyal zone
- beaten zone
- beaver stone
- benzanthrone
- berry cone
- bezoar stone
- big unknown
- bishop's stone
- black turnstone
- bladder stone
- blister cone
- bloodybone
- blowing cone
- bobbing joan
- boiling stone
- bomb cyclone
- borazon
- border stone
- bororoan
- bourguignonne
- brain hormone
- bred-in-the-bone
- bridging loan
- broker's loan
- buffer zone
- butyrone
- cabazone
- cabezone
- canal zone
- cancion
- cannel bone
- cannon bone
- carved in stone
- cement stone
- chalcedon
- changing tone
- channel bone
- channel stone
- chaser stone
- cherrystone
- chevron bone
- china stone
- chinchillone
- chitarrone
- chordophone
- cinder cone
- civetone
- clearance loan
- coffin bone
- color tone
- color zone
- column bone
- concion
- contact zone
- copingstone
- corbin bone
- cornish stone
- cornwall stone
- cotes du rhone
- cotherstone
- cover stone
- crayonstone
- crazy bone
- crumple zone
- cumarone
- cup and cone
- curling stone
- cuttlebone
- debris cone
- demand loan
- demitone
- dilactone
- disenthrone
- dissolved bone
- double cone
- doubletone
- driblet cone
- drug-free zone
- druid stone
- drumble-drone
- ducatone
- dulcitone
- eaglestone
- elbow stone
- elphinstone
- engaged tone
- entrance cone
- escape tone
- eskimoan
- etched in stone
- ethmoid bone
- exaltone
- exhaust cone
- exit cone
- facial bone
- fairy stone
- faraon
- featherbone
- feeling tone
- figure stone
- flavanthrone
- flexatone
- floating zone
- flutophone
- footing stone
- forcing cone
- fracture zone
- free-trade zone
- frigid zone
- frontal bone
- fungizone
- get the phone
- gizzard stone
- glitazone
- goa stone
- grindlestone
- growing zone
- growth hormone
- halazone
- hamate bone
- have a moan
- heading stone
- heckelphone
- held her own
- held his own
- held its own
- held my own
- held one's own
- held their own
- held your own
- heptanone
- hold her own
- hold his own
- hold its own
- hold my own
- hold one's own
- hold their own
- hold your own
- holds her own
- holds his own
- holds its own
- holds one's own
- holds their own
- holystone
- housephone
- hucklebone
- hycanthone
- hyoid bone
- ice-cream cone
- idahoan
- in the zone
- inca bone
- indalone
- indanthrone
- inter-zone
- intertone
- irving stone
- isochrone
- isophone
- isotone
- jasper stone
- jewel tone
- john french sloan
- jugal bone
- kairomone
- kidney stone
- knucklebone
- lava cone
- leading stone
- leading tone
- leaves alone
- lets alone
- licking stone
- lightning stone
- lingual bone
- lithophone
- living stone
- livingstone
- logan stone
- loggan stone
- lombard loan
- lucky bone
- lucky stone
- lucy stone
- lunar bone
- lunate bone
- lupulone
- macaron
- make her own
- make his own
- make one's own
- make their own
- malar bone
- mantellone
- marble bone
- marrowbone
- matacoan
- medrogestone
- mellophone
- membrane bone
- menaphthone
- menthenone
- metaphone
- methadon
- microtone
- middle stone
- middletone
- might have known
- mocha stone
- morning loan
- mortgage loan
- muirhead bone
- multitone
- nasal bone
- neighbor tone
- no-fly zone
- off the bone
- ogham stone
- on her own
- on his own
- on its own
- on my own
- on one's own
- on the bone
- on the phone
- on their own
- on your own
- one-for-one
- one-to-one
- open tone
- optophone
- osteone
- outwash cone
- oversewn
- overshone
- oversown
- palate bone
- pallet stone
- panettone
- partial tone
- passing tone
- passing zone
- pastern bone
- paving stone
- pebblestone
- pedal bone
- peganone
- pelvic bone
- pencil stone
- penis bone
- pennystone
- pentatone
- perezone
- phenazone
- pillar-stone
- pistonphone
- plant hormone
- plaster stone
- play the clown
- played the clown
- plays the clown
- plowshare bone
- polyphone
- polytone
- portland stone
- postal zone
- prootic bone
- pudding stone
- pulley bone
- quarter tone
- razor stone
- reductone
- reggaeton
- reinthrone
- rider's bone
- rocking stone
- rottenstone
- rubblestone
- saddle stone
- saddle-sewn
- safety zone
- santenone
- satin stone
- sauce-alone
- scaphoid bone
- secamone
- seger cone
- serpent stone
- set in stone
- set the tone
- sex hormone
- shacklebone
- shadow cone
- shatter cone
- should have known
- shoulder bone
- shuttle bone
- simple tone
- skin and bone
- sousaphone
- southern cone
- spatter cone
- spindle stone
- stand-alone
- starling stone
- stentorphone
- stepping-stone
- stifle bone
- suberone
- summer stone
- sunspot zone
- swimming stone
- table stone
- tagetone
- tautochrone
- tension zone
- tetralone
- textile cone
- the class clown
- the red zone
- the strike zone
- thermophone
- throw a bone
- thunderstone
- tight backbone
- to the bone
- torrid zone
- torticone
- traffic cone
- transverse bone
- trigger zone
- truth be known
- tuning cone
- turkey stone
- turtle stone
- two-to-one
- tyndall cone
- undergrown
- undersown
- underthrown
- vagal tone
- valve trombone
- verdant zone
- walter kohn
- waterphone
- waterstone
- woman-grown
- wound hormone
- xiphoid bone
- yellowstone
- zingerone
4 syllables
- aldosterone
- anticyclone
- cellular phone
- progesterone
- testosterone
- androsterone
- cynoscion
- diacetone
- foundation stone
- hydromorphone
- isoflavone
- methaqualone
- mitoxantrone
- oxymorphone
- parathormone
- pyrazolone
- radiophone
- rosetta stone
- videophone
- a heart of stone
- abraxas stone
- abscission zone
- abyssal zone
- accident-prone
- adrenalone
- aetherophone
- aleppo stone
- aliquot tone
- all someone's own
- amazonstone
- ancaster stone
- androgamone
- androgen zone
- anti-hormone
- antihormone
- aphytal zone
- arkansas stone
- ascend the throne
- attraction cone
- avobenzone
- bactriticone
- beef bourguignon
- benioff zone
- blue anemone
- boeuf bourguignon
- boeuf bourguignonne
- bois de boulogne
- bologna stone
- bolognan stone
- bouldering stone
- brachistochrone
- brillouin zone
- bromacetone
- calendar stone
- canary stone
- cartilage bone
- cavalry bone
- character loan
- chilled me to the bone
- chilled to the bone
- cinnamon stone
- clay ironstone
- close to the bone
- cloth-of-gold cone
- composite cone
- concepcion
- connecting tone
- construction loan
- contra trombone
- coral limestone
- corrosion zone
- cotyloid bone
- courtesy phone
- crystalline cone
- crystallophone
- cut to the bone
- darby and joan
- day-to-day loan
- detectaphone
- dialling tone
- difference tone
- dihydrazone
- dry as a bone
- each to his own
- eau de cologne
- eaux de cologne
- ectohormone
- electrophone
- electrotone
- emery stone
- enterprise zone
- equity loan
- etherophone
- ethisterone
- external loan
- female hormone
- flageolet tone
- flattening stone
- foreign-trade zone
- free-fire zone
- french anemone
- french telephone
- glucosazone
- glucosulfone
- go it alone
- goldilocks zone
- great pastern bone
- gynogamone
- gynotermone
- haldane of cloan
- harlan fiske stone
- harmoniphone
- held our own
- her very own
- hercules stone
- highlight halftone
- his very own
- hold our own
- holding her own
- holding his own
- holding its own
- holding my own
- holding one's own
- holding their own
- holding your own
- holds our own
- ideophone
- idiophone
- imposing stone
- incisive bone
- infection stone
- injury-prone
- interneurone
- ipriflavone
- isanemone
- keraulophone
- kinetophone
- labrador stone
- lacrimal bone
- lamellaphone
- lamellophone
- laryngophone
- leave well alone
- leaving alone
- leptospermone
- let it be known
- let well alone
- letting alone
- liberty loan
- lip microphone
- lubiprostone
- lydian stone
- make oneself known
- make something known
- maritime loan
- membranophone
- mesocyclone
- metallophone
- metaxalone
- methisazone
- methyprylone
- metolazone
- metopirone
- monobenzone
- monte leone
- motoneurone
- mountain limestone
- nautilicone
- neighboring tone
- neurohormone
- no-parking zone
- nonrecourse loan
- old red sandstone
- on our own
- one's very own
- oracle bone
- over the phone
- oxybenzone
- pagoda stone
- palatine bone
- parahormone
- pare to the bone
- pericyclone
- personal loan
- petrosal bone
- phrygian stone
- phytohormone
- picturephone
- pigment bordeaux n
- piperitone
- pisiform bone
- playing the clown
- plum-pudding stone
- policy loan
- porcelain stone
- premium loan
- prosethmoid bone
- pterygoid bone
- put down the phone
- quinethazone
- rabbath ammon
- ruddy turnstone
- rue anemone
- saracen stone
- saracen's stone
- sarrusophone
- savings and loan
- semifreestone
- sensible tone
- sharpening stone
- shoestring sandstone
- signature loan
- sink like a stone
- sir charles wheatstone
- sir muirhead bone
- small pastern bone
- sparry limestone
- spectacle stone
- stereophone
- steroid hormone
- strawberry roan
- subsemitone
- summation tone
- sutural bone
- symballophone
- tallygalone
- tartini's tone
- telegraphone
- temporal bone
- the neutral zone
- their very own
- throat microphone
- thyroid hormone
- to call her own
- to call his own
- to call one's own
- to call their own
- to each his own
- tow-away zone
- tracheophone
- trapezoid bone
- triquetral bone
- troglitazone
- truncated cone
- turbinate bone
- turkey oilstone
- tympanic bone
- umbellulone
- unciform bone
- venus hairstone
- vilazodone
- vinyl sulfone
- violanthrone
- vitriol stone
- volcanic cone
- washita stone
- whitening stone
- william blackstone
- william gladstone
- william shenstone
- wood anemone
- wormian bone
- written in stone
5 syllables
- amiodarone
- corticosterone
- phenylbutazone
- spironolactone
- butyrolactone
- erogenous zone
- nitrofurazone
- norethisterone
- pentobarbitone
- phenobarbitone
- phenylhydrazone
- pioglitazone
- propiolactone
- rosiglitazone
- semicarbazone
- sulfinpyrazone
- accede to the throne
- acetonaphthone
- adrenosterone
- alantolactone
- allobarbitone
- alluvial cone
- alpine anemone
- alto saxophone
- anamorphic zone
- ancestral puebloan
- androgenic zone
- armenian stone
- as dry as a bone
- ascend to the throne
- ascended the throne
- asparagus stone
- auxiliary tone
- baculiticone
- bovine growth hormone
- bromoacetone
- came into her own
- came into his own
- came into its own
- came into my own
- came into one's own
- came into their own
- came into your own
- candle anemone
- carbon microphone
- chalon-sur-saone
- combination tone
- come into her own
- come into his own
- come into its own
- come into my own
- come into one's own
- come into their own
- come into your own
- comes into her own
- comes into his own
- comes into its own
- comes into one's own
- comes into their own
- contact microphone
- continuous-tone
- conventional loan
- coral-reef limestone
- coralline limestone
- coronary bone
- cuneiform bone
- david livingstone
- demisemitone
- deoxycortone
- desoxycortone
- dial telephone
- dioxybenzone
- down the telephone
- dydrogesterone
- easter anemone
- encephalophone
- equivalence zone
- false rue anemone
- fear of the unknown
- flexible sandstone
- flowering hormone
- fluoxymesterone
- fundamental tone
- gaudy ironstone
- geographer cone
- geography cone
- gregorian tone
- hexobarbitone
- history has shown
- history shows shown
- holding our own
- home equity loan
- human growth hormone
- hydraulic limestone
- imperial stone
- india oilstone
- innominate bone
- internecion
- juvenile hormone
- magnesian limestone
- make her presence known
- make his presence known
- make one's presence known
- make something her own
- make something his own
- make something one's own
- make something their own
- make their presence known
- marsupial bone
- maxillary bone
- mephenoxalone
- methohexitone
- methyl acetone
- navicular bone
- needle ironstone
- nucleohistone
- occipital bone
- of her very own
- of his very own
- of one's very own
- of their very own
- on the telephone
- oolitic limestone
- pacific madrone
- parietal bone
- phalangeal bone
- pharyngeal bone
- phenylosazone
- philosopher's stone
- philosophers' stone
- poppy anemone
- prairie anemone
- pyramidal bone
- pyrometric cone
- quinalbarbitone
- ribbon microphone
- right circular cone
- scientific stone
- semilunar bone
- sierra leone
- sir william blackstone
- snowdrop anemone
- solenhofen stone
- sulisobenzone
- sulphinpyrazone
- theobald wolfe tone
- thiacetazone
- thiazolsulfone
- throw someone a bone
- triangular bone
- tropical cyclone
- turbinated bone
- turriliticone
- u.s. army mosstone
- umbelliferone
- urinary stone
- valerolactone
- vegetative cone
- venus's-hairstone
- water-of-ayr stone
- william elphinstone
- wireless telephone
- zygomatic bone
6 syllables
- radiotelephone
- acetylacetone
- methyltestosterone
- acceded to the throne
- acetovanillone
- amylobarbitone
- angelica lactone
- biological zone
- burrowing anemone
- came into our own
- canada anemone
- carvotanacetone
- cellular telephone
- chemical telephone
- come into our own
- coming into her own
- coming into his own
- coming into its own
- coming into my own
- coming into one's own
- coming into their own
- coming into your own
- communications zone
- condenser microphone
- demilitarized zone
- dynamic microphone
- epiandrosterone
- felipe calderon
- fertilization cone
- fisher of kilverstone
- follicular hormone
- glucuronolactone
- harvey samuel firestone
- have a mind of her own
- have a mind of his own
- have a mind of one's own
- have a mind of their own
- ignazio silone
- in a league of her own
- in a league of his own
- in a league of one's own
- in a league of their own
- in a world of her own
- in a world of his own
- in a world of one's own
- in a world of their own
- indiana limestone
- international zone
- isoandrosterone
- japanese anemone
- kill two birds with one stone
- killed two birds with one stone
- kills two birds with one stone
- lactogenic hormone
- lavalier microphone
- lavaliere microphone
- leave well enough alone
- let well enough alone
- lithographic limestone
- luteinizing hormone
- metacortandralone
- middle turbinate bone
- mountstuart elphinstone
- nummulitic limestone
- oxyphenbutazone
- paget's disease of bone
- panama canal zone
- parathyroid hormone
- participation loan
- self-liquidating loan
- sound-powered telephone
- submarine telephone
- supratemporal bone
- thyrotrophic hormone
- thyrotropic hormone
- typical bathyal zone
- ventilating millstone
- william ewart gladstone
7 syllables
- dihydrotestosterone
- medroxyprogesterone
- dihydroxyacetone
- hydroxyprogesterone
- thiosemicarbazone
- acetonylacetone
- beta-propiolactone
- cardioid microphone
- carolina anemone
- chemoreceptor trigger zone
- coming into our own
- extratropical cyclone
- glucose phenylosazone
- greater multangular bone
- her nose is to the grindstone
- his nose is to the grindstone
- interparietal bone
- keep her nose to the grindstone
- keep his nose to the grindstone
- keep one's nose to the grindstone
- keep their nose to the grindstone
- killing two birds with one stone
- lesser multangular bone
- luteotrophic hormone
- luteotropic hormone
- middle turbinated bone
- molecular chaperone
- one's nose is to the grindstone
- perimedullary zone
- postal delivery zone
- somatotropic hormone
- take on a life of its own
- the power behind the throne
- their nose is to the grindstone
- velocity microphone
- villefranche-sur-saone
- work her fingers to the bone
- work his fingers to the bone
- work one's fingers to the bone
- work their fingers to the bone
8 syllables
- deoxycorticosterone
- desoxycorticosterone
- anti-mullerian hormone
- antidiuretic hormone
- automatic premium loan
- dehydrocorticosterone
- dehydroisoandrosterone
- diphenylthiocarbazone
- exclusive economic zone
- felipe de jesus calderon
- gametokinetic hormone
- grand canyon of the yellowstone
- growth hormone-releasing hormone
- hydroxycorticosterone
- inferior turbinate bone
- lateral cuneiform bone
- medial cuneiform bone
- pythagorean semitone
- sodium pentobarbitone
- superior turbinate bone
- thyroid-stimulating hormone
9 syllables
10 syllables
- adrenal corticotrophic hormone
- adrenocorticotrophic hormone
- adrenocorticotropic hormone
- alexander iii of macedon
- anhydrohydroxyprogesterone
- corticotrophin-releasing hormone
- corticotropin-releasing hormone
- francesco di pietro di bernardone
- gonadotropin-releasing hormone
- hypothalamic releasing hormone
- intermediate cuneiform bone
- la linea de la concepcion
- melanocyte-stimulating hormone