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Words that Rhyme with extrospection
3 syllables
- abjection
- advection
- affection
- bijection
- bisection
- collection
- complexion
- confection
- connection
- connexion
- convection
- correction
- defection
- deflection
- deflexion
- dejection
- detection
- direction
- dissection
- ejection
- election
- erection
- infection
- inflection
- inflexion
- injection
- inspection
- midsection
- objection
- perfection
- projection
- protection
- reflection
- reflexion
- rejection
- resection
- selection
- subjection
- transection
- transfection
- cross section
- insection
- prospection
- refection
- sports section
- trisection
- adjection
- annexion
- aspection
- bilection
- blade section
- bolection
- brass section
- c-section
- cathection
- complection
- cross-section
- disjection
- evection
- exsection
- h section
- invection
- neglection
- prelection
- profection
- prosection
- provection
- relection
- right section
- school section
- surjection
- thin section
- trajection
- type section
- v-connection
- x-section
4 syllables
- circumspection
- disaffection
- disconnection
- disinfection
- dorsiflexion
- imperfection
- indirection
- insurrection
- intellection
- interjection
- intersection
- introjection
- introspection
- misdirection
- on reflection
- predilection
- preelection
- preselection
- recollection
- reconnection
- redirection
- reelection
- reinfection
- reinjection
- reinspection
- resurrection
- retrospection
- to perfection
- vivisection
- anteflexion
- coinfection
- genuflection
- hemisection
- postelection
- postinfection
- postinjection
- quarter section
- retroflexion
- stage direction
- wind direction
- air injection
- aircraft section
- back projection
- bad connection
- bonne projection
- bragg reflection
- by-election
- bye-election
- channel section
- cheering section
- clamp connection
- co-direction
- co-infection
- codirection
- conic section
- cross direction
- cross infection
- cross-connection
- disinsection
- golden section
- grain direction
- hyperflexion
- inconnection
- insubjection
- introflection
- introflexion
- irreflection
- irreflexion
- jet injection
- kin selection
- longisection
- macrosection
- map projection
- mass selection
- microsection
- midship section
- misconnection
- new connexion
- nonconnection
- nonelection
- nonperfection
- oblique section
- open section
- plantar flexion
- post-infection
- pre-election
- preinfection
- preinjection
- rear projection
- resubjection
- retrofection
- retroflection
- retrojection
- rhythm section
- scott connection
- self-direction
- self-injection
- self-protection
- self-reflection
- self-selection
- slow infection
- smoking section
- star connection
- stem correction
- sub-collection
- subcollection
- t connection
- tee connection
- the string section
- torch infection
- venisection
- wedge resection
- woodwind section
- y connection
- yeast infection
5 syllables
- interconnection
- microinjection
- superinfection
- the resurrection
- antireflection
- equal protection
- escape detection
- fire protection
- microdissection
- neuroprotection
- overcorrection
- overprotection
- upon reflection
- adverse selection
- aitoff projection
- aitoff's projection
- albers projection
- andreev reflection
- antirejection
- arms of affection
- astral projection
- author's correction
- autoinfection
- background projection
- batson objection
- breakthrough infection
- caesarean section
- cesarean section
- conic projection
- consent election
- counterselection
- delta connection
- double detection
- droplet infection
- eckert projection
- evade detection
- fire direction
- focal infection
- fuel injection
- homestead selection
- house of correction
- hypercorrection
- hyperinfection
- incircumspection
- inner-direction
- interreflection
- intraselection
- irrecollection
- khaki election
- law of reflection
- line of affection
- line of protection
- lord of erection
- machine direction
- make a connection
- make a selection
- make her selection
- make his selection
- make one's selection
- make the connection
- make their selection
- microprojection
- misrecollection
- mollweide projection
- optical section
- orthoselection
- other-direction
- outer-direction
- percussion section
- piloerection
- plane of projection
- point of inflection
- points of inflection
- polar projection
- post-resurrection
- postresurrection
- principal section
- process projection
- rental collection
- retroinfection
- retroreflection
- rolling inspection
- sense of direction
- serial section
- short arm inspection
- showdown inspection
- social selection
- solid injection
- special collection
- term of affection
- terms of affection
- total reflection
- tour of inspection
- vertical section
- vincent's infection
- water injection
- writ of election
- writ of protection
6 syllables
- general election
- natural selection
- radioprotection
- adequate protection
- angle of reflection
- anti-vivisection
- cabinet projection
- caesarian section
- cardioprotection
- cathodic protection
- cavalier projection
- center of projection
- cesarian section
- contested election
- counsel of perfection
- dimetric projection
- electroresection
- geologic section
- globular projection
- gnomonic projection
- have no recollection
- horizontal section
- houses of correction
- immunoselection
- mercator projection
- mikulicz resection
- on closer inspection
- optical correction
- organic selection
- primary infection
- regular reflection
- robinson projection
- segmental resection
- selective reflection
- sexual selection
- specular reflection
- standard of perfection
- stereoprojection
- trial by inspection
7 syllables
- artificial selection
- auxiliary inflection
- channelized intersection
- circumcorneal injection
- committee of selection
- conscientious objection
- controverted election
- coronal mass ejection
- cross of the resurrection
- cylindrical projection
- elliptical projection
- equitable election
- guardian by election
- hammer-aitoff projection
- homolosine projection
- hypodermic injection
- isometric projection
- mass of the resurrection
- necessary connection
- open-delta connection
- orthogonal projection
- orthographic projection
- peaches and cream complexion
- polyconic projection
- secondary infection
- sinusoidal projection
- suipestifer infection
- trapezoidal projection
- undervoltage protection