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Words that Almost Rhyme with decore
1 syllable
- air
- ar
- are
- bar
- bare
- barr
- beer
- bier
- birr
- blare
- blur
- boor
- bur
- car
- care
- carr
- chair
- char
- charr
- cheer
- claire
- clear
- cur
- cure
- czar
- dear
- deer
- dire
- doer
- dower
- drear
- ear
- er
- ere
- err
- eyre
- fair
- far
- fare
- fear
- fir
- flair
- flare
- fleur
- fur
- gare
- gear
- glare
- haar
- hair
- har
- hare
- hear
- heir
- here
- herr
- ire
- jar
- jeer
- jure
- kier
- kir
- lair
- lar
- lour
- lure
- lyre
- mar
- mare
- mer
- mere
- mir
- mire
- moire
- moor
- myrrh
- near
- noir
- pair
- par
- pare
- pear
- peer
- per
- pier
- poor
- prayer
- pur
- pure
- purr
- quaere
- queer
- quire
- rare
- rear
- scar
- scare
- sear
- seer
- sere
- share
- shear
- sheer
- sir
- slur
- smear
- snare
- sneer
- spar
- spare
- spear
- speer
- sphere
- spire
- spoor
- spur
- square
- squire
- star
- stare
- steer
- stir
- sure
- swear
- tear
- thar
- their
- there
- tier
- tour
- tsar
- veer
- ver
- ware
- were
- where
- whirr
- year
- blear
- fleer
- murre
- ayr
- bear
- blair
- burr
- cher
- chirr
- churr
- clare
- dare
- gar
- glair
- lear
- loire
- meir
- muir
- ne'er
- parr
- pere
- ruhr
- saar
- schmear
- shire
- shirr
- skirr
- stair
- stour
- sur
- tar
- they're
- tyre
- ur
- we're
- wear
- weir
- you're
2 syllables
- adar
- adhere
- adjure
- admire
- aerie
- afar
- affair
- affaire
- afire
- airy
- ajar
- all clear
- allure
- altair
- ameer
- amir
- amour
- appear
- arie
- arrear
- aspire
- assure
- au pair
- austere
- aware
- barre
- bazaar
- beery
- beware
- bizarre
- black bear
- bleary
- blurry
- boyar
- brochure
- brown bear
- buri
- burry
- by far
- career
- carry
- cashier
- chary
- chauffeur
- cheery
- cherry
- child care
- cigar
- cirri
- clary
- cohere
- compare
- compere
- concur
- confer
- couture
- cowrie
- currie
- dairy
- day care
- dearie
- deary
- deck chair
- declare
- defer
- demur
- demure
- despair
- deter
- detour
- dinar
- dour
- dowry
- dreary
- eerie
- emir
- endear
- endure
- ensnare
- ensure
- enure
- expire
- eyrie
- faerie
- faery
- fairy
- ferry
- fervour
- flavour
- flour
- floury
- flurry
- for sure
- forswear
- foursquare
- frontier
- furry
- fury
- grand tour
- grandeur
- great bear
- guitar
- hairy
- harri
- harry
- health care
- high gear
- hire
- hot air
- hour
- hurry
- impair
- impure
- incur
- infer
- inquire
- inspire
- insure
- inter
- inure
- jerry
- jewry
- jury
- kari
- khmer
- kiri
- kyrie
- larry
- lawn chair
- leary
- leery
- liqueur
- lourie
- make sure
- manure
- maori
- marey
- mari
- marry
- mary
- masseur
- mature
- merrie
- merry
- midair
- monsieur
- murry
- nary
- north star
- obscure
- occur
- ophir
- parry
- peery
- perspire
- prairie
- prefer
- premier
- premiere
- prepare
- procure
- quare
- query
- rainier
- recur
- refer
- rehear
- repair
- respire
- retire
- rock star
- root beer
- safar
- sari
- saviour
- savour
- scarry
- scary
- school year
- scour
- scurry
- secure
- seigneur
- severe
- sheri
- sherry
- sincere
- siri
- sitar
- skier
- slurry
- small beer
- snack bar
- so far
- sorry
- sour
- sparry
- sports car
- squad car
- starry
- succour
- take care
- tarry
- teary
- theory
- transfer
- ulnar
- unclear
- unfair
- unsure
- vapour
- vary
- velour
- veneer
- verdure
- verry
- very
- voyeur
- wary
- weary
- wherry
- wing chair
- wire
- wiry
- worry
- bell jar
- blue star
- bronze star
- chasseur
- coheir
- compeer
- cowry
- de jure
- disbar
- douceur
- due care
- freight car
- glairy
- great year
- grimoire
- gurry
- houri
- huari
- karri
- kerrie
- leap year
- light air
- loury
- low gear
- marri
- mule deer
- murree
- murrey
- nightjar
- poseur
- side chair
- skerry
- smeary
- stary
- turi
- unbar
- veery
- wet bar
- all-star
- ant bear
- arrie
- assur
- bari
- barrie
- barry
- bary-
- bath chair
- berry
- big sur
- birri
- bock beer
- bourree
- briery
- bronx cheer
- bury
- byrri
- carey
- cary
- cary-
- cash bar
- cauri
- chari
- charry
- chowrie
- coal tar
- courie
- cruor
- curry
- dakar
- danseur
- derry
- dhauri
- dhurrie
- dieri
- dog star
- erie
- eury-
- farceur
- feerie
- feirie
- fire
- firee
- firry
- fixed star
- flare star
- flary
- fleury
- frotteur
- gary
- gbari
- gehry
- gerry
- gharry
- ghurry
- glary
- guard hair
- haori
- hurri
- immure
- insphere
- joint fir
- karree
- kerry
- knarry
- knurry
- koiri
- kweri
- kwiri
- laari
- lanier
- larree
- lekvar
- life peer
- lord's prayer
- lowry
- lurry
- marree
- milk bar
- mirey
- mishear
- moory
- mouse deer
- murray
- musk deer
- myanmar
- myri-
- nairy
- navarre
- near beer
- neri
- oorie
- ourie
- pace car
- pap smear
- pasteur
- peary
- peerie
- perry
- pierre
- pinch bar
- pine tar
- pissoir
- poori
- purey
- puri
- purree
- purry
- qatar
- rasure
- red deer
- revere
- roe deer
- root hair
- sairy
- sarre
- scarey
- sea hare
- sea star
- serry
- set square
- shari
- sheary
- sinclair
- sirree
- skurry
- smurry
- sneery
- space bar
- speary
- sperry
- sphery
- spiry
- spruce beer
- spur gear
- spurrey
- spurry
- starey
- steery
- stock car
- stourie
- stoury
- surrey
- tank car
- terry
- times square
- toorie
- try square
- unmoor
- uprear
- urey
- uri
- vairy
- voltaire
- whirry
- wood tar
- word square
- worm gear
- zaire
3 syllables
- acari
- askari
- au revoir
- auctioneer
- azeri
- behari
- belvedere
- bihari
- billionaire
- blank stare
- bombardier
- brigadier
- buccaneer
- cable car
- canary
- cavalier
- chandelier
- chevalier
- chiari
- commandeer
- connoisseur
- crystal clear
- debonair
- denarii
- dining car
- disappear
- disrepair
- doctrinaire
- easy chair
- engineer
- enquiry
- equerry
- evening star
- expiry
- financier
- fiscal year
- glengarry
- gondolier
- grand jury
- grizzly bear
- hail mary
- harari
- humeri
- immature
- in theory
- inquiry
- insincere
- interfere
- kashmiri
- landing gear
- lay bare
- little bear
- love affair
- make merry
- millionaire
- miscarry
- morning star
- musketeer
- open air
- overhear
- pamphleteer
- patrol car
- persevere
- pioneer
- polar bear
- police car
- premature
- profiteer
- pubic hair
- puppeteer
- quadrature
- questionnaire
- racketeer
- raconteur
- rapporteur
- reappear
- reassure
- reinsure
- remarry
- require
- rocking chair
- saboteur
- safari
- shooting star
- silver star
- solitaire
- souvenir
- superstar
- swivel chair
- tamari
- teddy bear
- tooth fairy
- unaware
- unwary
- uteri
- volunteer
- acquiree
- alary
- avowry
- aweary
- baggage car
- bandolier
- bhojpuri
- campari
- cathari
- chokecherry
- compressed air
- de rigueur
- diapir
- domineer
- douglas fir
- escritoire
- evening prayer
- farriery
- ginger beer
- guarnieri
- haute couture
- hegari
- imari
- inner ear
- kanuri
- lord harry
- mason jar
- morning prayer
- muscari
- mutineer
- nagari
- neutron star
- nondairy
- old harry
- pahari
- pinot noir
- prickly pear
- queer theory
- racing car
- saimiri
- salad bar
- sectary
- sedan chair
- shikari
- sightseer
- sleeping car
- sundari
- sweet mary
- touring car
- tracheary
- trolley car
- waziri
- wild cherry
- abkari
- abkary
- ajari
- alfieri
- ambari
- ansarie
- aquarii
- arctic char
- asuri
- azury
- bacteri-
- bacuri
- bailiery
- bajouri
- bakuri
- balladeer
- balneary
- balsam fir
- balsam pear
- bambari
- barking deer
- basket star
- begari
- belgian hare
- berberi
- bevel gear
- bhel poori
- bhel puri
- bibiri
- bill of fare
- bing cherry
- bird cherry
- black cherry
- black harry
- black prairie
- blazing star
- bliss perry
- bohr theory
- brinjarry
- brittle star
- brown berry
- brush cherry
- buffet car
- buhari
- bumper car
- cabeiri
- cabiri
- cachari
- camel's hair
- camsteary
- camsteery
- canari
- cannary
- canthari
- car ferry
- cariri
- cashmiri
- cassiri
- cell theory
- centare
- cerberi
- chakari
- chaste berry
- chimere
- chivari
- chop-cherry
- claude fleury
- clear tare
- color bar
- common year
- confrairy
- corn spurrey
- corn spurry
- cotarii
- croix de guerre
- crostarie
- cutcherry
- dasturi
- de la rey
- defier
- denari
- denary
- deuteri-
- double bar
- double star
- dow theory
- dow's theory
- du barry
- dwarf cherry
- edward lear
- egg cowry
- ekari
- estate car
- eve curie
- expiree
- fallow deer
- faujdari
- feather star
- field theory
- flos ferri
- flying mare
- force majeure
- fort erie
- fourberie
- frank gehry
- french berry
- gamari
- game theory
- gauge theory
- george carey
- germ theory
- giant star
- glaziery
- grand prairie
- grande prairie
- graph theory
- green manure
- ground-cherry
- group theory
- guarneri
- habiri
- haiari
- harare
- hard cherry
- heart cherry
- heavy spar
- helleri
- herbary
- hit theory
- holy year
- honey bear
- houvari
- hung jury
- iceland spar
- igneri
- in fieri
- in the air
- ineri
- inmarry
- jaipuri
- javari
- john kerry
- joyce cary
- kaburi
- kachari
- kanari
- kanauri
- kariri
- kasseri
- kaveri
- kemiri
- khesari
- king harry
- kiriri
- knobkerrie
- knot theory
- koftgari
- korari
- labarri
- lake erie
- latin square
- leg theory
- leyden jar
- licuri
- lipari
- liquid air
- lizari
- locked jury
- lunar year
- magic square
- maguari
- mal de mer
- may cherry
- mehari
- mercuri-
- metairie
- middle ear
- missouri
- morris chair
- mundari
- nicuri
- niterie
- nom de guerre
- non-jury
- o'leary
- off theory
- ornary
- ouakari
- outer ear
- outmarry
- outstare
- ovari-
- packed jury
- pamiri
- parlor car
- pecari
- peer-to-peer
- peixerey
- pejerrey
- petare
- phulkari
- pin cherry
- pindari
- pipiri
- piscary
- pitchuri
- pitirri
- pituri
- place theory
- proceri
- puriri
- pyx-jury
- qatari
- quinarii
- red kauri
- reveree
- ring cowrie
- rouge et noir
- rum cherry
- sacrary
- salieri
- sand cherry
- sand spurrey
- sand spurry
- sassari
- scenari
- scenary
- scrub cherry
- scudery
- sea-weary
- seigneury
- senarii
- set theory
- sezary
- shepstare
- shot berry
- silver fir
- smooth tare
- snowshoe hare
- solar flare
- solar year
- solare
- soup du jour
- spivvery
- steel guitar
- steering gear
- strain theory
- string theory
- struck jury
- sucuri
- sudary
- supari
- sweet cherry
- swing ferry
- takrouri
- talari
- taquari
- tawery
- tick-worry
- tochari
- towery
- trail ferry
- train ferry
- transire
- tylari
- type theory
- umiri
- unbare
- unmarry
- unmerry
- unweary
- urare
- urari
- vasari
- venturi
- viipuri
- waicuri
- war-weary
- wave theory
- wear and tear
- weigh larry
- wheat berry
- white cherry
- wild clary
- wild tare
- windsor chair
- woolly bear
- world-weary
- wrecking bar
- yavari
- zardari
4 syllables
- actuary
- beriberi
- bloody mary
- calamari
- calendar year
- cavaliere
- cavalieri
- charioteer
- concessionaire
- electric chair
- entrepreneur
- fibrillary
- insectary
- intermarry
- little mary
- presbytery
- provocateur
- restaurateur
- solidary
- vanity fair
- virgin mary
- zamindari
- bakhtiari
- brahmachari
- carbonari
- charcuterie
- charivari
- condottieri
- dioscuri
- financial year
- flight engineer
- lamasery
- litterateur
- metatheory
- microcurie
- millicurie
- on inquiry
- passenger car
- quantum theory
- ryotwari
- zemindari
- abor-miri
- acai berry
- agricere
- ahtisaari
- airy-fairy
- al-hariri
- alizari
- all saints' cherry
- alpha tauri
- amphigouri
- anchovy pear
- andes berry
- aracari
- aricuri
- auteur theory
- bacbakiri
- backbackiri
- bakupari
- bastard cherry
- bcs theory
- bersaglieri
- beta tauri
- big bang theory
- bikaneri
- binary star
- bitter cherry
- black marketeer
- blue-eyed mary
- bogatyri
- bokmakierie
- bonners ferry
- bowwow theory
- bush canary
- cagliari
- calamary
- calusari
- caper berry
- cash-and-carry
- cauloid theory
- cayenne cherry
- celestial sphere
- centumviri
- cervical smear
- chaos theory
- chaste tree berry
- chimichurri
- chomo lhari
- christmas berry
- cinnamon bear
- clammy cherry
- coenuri
- coffee cherry
- common jury
- concealed carry
- conicari
- consectary
- contract theory
- conventioneer
- counterfleury
- couratari
- debye theory
- decemviri
- devil theory
- ding-dong theory
- dingdong theory
- dinothere
- doctrinary
- dolichuri
- dutuburi
- duumviri
- eden prairie
- einstein theory
- elbridge gerry
- electioneer
- elephant ear
- ellen terry
- eremuri
- esotery
- eta tauri
- external ear
- feery-fary
- fetch and carry
- fire cherry
- flying ferry
- flying parry
- foreign jury
- franga ari
- frank o. gehry
- galois theory
- gharapuri
- glacial theory
- glacier theory
- godavari
- goji berry
- grand canary
- handsome harry
- hara-kiri
- hari-kari
- harpers ferry
- hering theory
- hurry-burry
- hurry-durry
- hurry-scurry
- hurry-skurry
- impresari
- in a hurry
- in no hurry
- internal ear
- intrapreneur
- irene curie
- isallobar
- j. m. barrie
- james-lange theory
- janizary
- jaundice berry
- joint wood berry
- jumnapari
- kanawari
- khan tangiri
- koala bear
- kodiak bear
- kuala lumpur
- lake scutari
- laurel cherry
- lavaliere
- lentil tare
- little cherry
- louis pasteur
- lunar theory
- lyomeri
- malcolm lowry
- manchu cherry
- marie curie
- marqueterie
- matagouri
- mayduke cherry
- meadow clary
- megacurie
- millionary
- minitari
- money cowrie
- moral theory
- mosasauri
- mountain cherry
- multiple star
- mummy berry
- nanking cherry
- nanocurie
- narrinyeri
- native cherry
- neuron theory
- nonthaburi
- norfolk wherry
- not to worry
- number theory
- nusairi
- octonarii
- open carry
- orange berry
- ouricuri
- overweary
- palkee gharry
- pan supari
- panther cowrie
- papeterie
- parinari
- party jury
- pas de bourree
- paul valery
- penal theory
- perfumed cherry
- peristeri
- persian berry
- petit jury
- petty jury
- philip barry
- philip murray
- phugoid theory
- picocurie
- pierre curie
- pigeon cherry
- pirijiri
- piripiri
- police jury
- polish berry
- pomme de prairie
- pondicherry
- pooh-pooh theory
- prairie berry
- puducherry
- qindar ari
- queensland cherry
- queensland kauri
- queuing theory
- quinine cherry
- quinqueviri
- ransom theory
- raramuri
- rhegnopteri
- rhino ferry
- rhinoceri
- ricercari
- rod-cone theory
- rose du barry
- rosebud cherry
- rutuburi
- ryotwary
- sahajdari
- sensum theory
- septemviri
- septenarii
- shaking prairie
- short-grass prairie
- sick with worry
- side-chain theory
- sir james barrie
- sound and fury
- sour cherry
- spanish cherry
- special jury
- static theory
- steel emery
- stelar theory
- stradivari
- stradivarii
- stratocirri
- tallgrass prairie
- tapsal-teerie
- tarairi
- telome theory
- the tooth fairy
- tidal theory
- tiger cowry
- tom and jerry
- traverse jury
- trial jury
- tropical year
- turkey berry
- turtle cowrie
- two-eye berry
- two-worlds theory
- typhoid mary
- uakari
- up in the air
- variolar
- virginia deer
- wage-fund theory
- walking on air
- wattled stare
- whigmaleerie
- whisky cherry
- wild black cherry
- wild canary
- wild red cherry
- winter cherry
- xenopteri
- yariyari
- yellow berry
- zanzibari
5 syllables
- academic year
- carabinieri
- certiorari
- civil engineer
- devanagari
- interlinear
- multimillionaire
- rectilinear
- electric guitar
- reasonable care
- a piacere
- abstinence theory
- aburagiri
- acanthopteri
- actinopteri
- actual tare
- adapazari
- adipocere
- alligator pear
- alvarez theory
- apocrisiarii
- atomic theory
- australian cherry
- avignon berry
- avocado pear
- baeyer strain theory
- bake-apple berry
- baked-apple berry
- barbados cherry
- bigarreau cherry
- binary theory
- blue-ribbon jury
- book of common prayer
- buffalo berry
- butaritari
- cabinet cherry
- castle in the air
- catastrophe theory
- cauliflower ear
- cervix uteri
- chinese bush cherry
- coherence theory
- comtesse du barry
- consiglieri
- cornelian cherry
- corpus uteri
- court of inquiry
- dalmatian cherry
- daughter of mary
- decision theory
- descension theory
- differential gear
- displacement theory
- domino theory
- elasmothere
- embolomeri
- emotive theory
- endomolare
- evergreen cherry
- faculty theory
- family-tree theory
- fibrillar theory
- florida cherry
- flowering cherry
- frank owen gehry
- frozen daiquiri
- george leonard carey
- gilbert aime murray
- gonfalonieri
- grace brewster murray
- gradient theory
- harmonic theory
- hawaiian guitar
- histogen theory
- holly-leaved cherry
- hollyleaf cherry
- homiliary
- horizontal bar
- indian berry
- indian cherry
- interlineary
- jamaica cherry
- japanese cherry
- jeanne becu barry
- jesuit berry
- john forbes kerry
- john steuart curry
- joliot-curie
- joseph-and-mary
- juniper berry
- kana-majiri
- kathiawari
- kinetic theory
- lemonade berry
- little missouri
- mahaleb cherry
- makiritare
- malleolare
- marasca cherry
- micellar theory
- morello cherry
- mosaic theory
- mount dhaulagiri
- mountebankery
- not in a hurry
- octogenary
- oubangui-chari
- pedigree theory
- phlogiston theory
- phoenicopteri
- planetary gear
- poison black cherry
- pompion berry
- protocorm theory
- pulsation theory
- quadragenary
- quantity theory
- quantum field theory
- queen of the prairie
- quindecemviri
- quinquagenary
- resonance theory
- sabbatical year
- saint lucie cherry
- saint philip neri
- semantic theory
- sexagenary
- singing canary
- solera sherry
- special grand jury
- steady state theory
- strobilus theory
- subjective theory
- subsistence theory
- surinam cherry
- telephone theory
- the virgin mary
- three-color theory
- tom, dick, and harry
- tonitrocirri
- trembling prairie
- trial by jury
- trickle-down theory
- ubangi-shari
- ussuri
- variable star
- wages-fund theory
- western chokecherry
- western sand cherry
- william and mary
- writ of inquiry
- yorkshire canary
- young-helmholtz theory
6 syllables
- conspiracy theory
- political theory
- advisory jury
- alice ellen terry
- alveolar theory
- american cherry
- anticlinal theory
- antithetic theory
- attribution theory
- australian beech cherry
- bramante lazzari
- catalina cherry
- ceremoniarii
- cervices uteri
- cervixes uteri
- chiasmatype theory
- clarence malcolm lowry
- common of piscary
- complexity theory
- corpuscular theory
- correspondence theory
- critical race theory
- dante alighieri
- darwinian theory
- debye-huckel theory
- double-aspect theory
- duplicity theory
- durante alighieri
- elmer ambrose sperry
- enquire, enquiry
- everblooming cherry
- fleury counterfleury
- george gilbert aime murray
- giorgio vasari
- grand unified theory
- gulf of cagliari
- harold clayton urey
- henry francis cary
- herbert river cherry
- himalaya berry
- homologous theory
- homology theory
- information theory
- inharmonic theory
- instrumental theory
- interfibrillary
- jerusalem cherry
- joseph edward murray
- lewis-langmuir theory
- martha jane canary
- martti ahtisaari
- matthew calbraith perry
- micromicrocurie
- miraculous berry
- not in any hurry
- perturbation theory
- precocity theory
- purpleleaf sand cherry
- reticular theory
- robert edwin peary
- roger wolcott sperry
- sacrificial theory
- satisfaction theory
- septuagenary
- silent witness theory
- sir james matthew barrie
- suppressio veri
- unified field theory
- unitary theory
- west indian cherry
7 syllables
- electrical engineer
- mechanical engineer
- andre-hercule de fleury
- antonio salieri
- any tom, dick, and harry
- approximation theory
- arthur joyce lunel cary
- asif ali zardari
- association theory
- australian piripiri
- cohomology theory
- communication theory
- communications theory
- european bird cherry
- fraud on the market theory
- frederic joliot-curie
- great falls of the missouri
- irene joliot-curie
- judices ordinarii
- madeleine de scudery
- monophyletic theory
- moral influence theory
- muhammadu buhari
- neurohumoral theory
- oliver hazard perry
- pancreatobiliary
- polyphyletic theory
- rajagopalachari
- regularity theory
- representative theory
- robert charles venturi
- rocky mountain canary
- salinas de gortari
- sliding filament theory
- tunica-corpus theory
- undulatory theory
- verification theory
- vittorio alfieri
- writ of certiorari
8 syllables
- antonio stradivari
- canada buffalo berry
- confirmability theory
- conte vittorio alfieri
- domenico zampieri
- every tom, dick, and harry
- fas est et ab hoste doceri
- grand unification theory
- indices expurgato.rii
- japanese flowering cherry
- jean-frederic joliot-curie
- recapitulation theory
- residual claimant theory
9 syllables
- ambroise-paul-toussaint-jules valery
- beneficium inventarii
- carlos salinas de gortari
- chemical mediation theory
- continuous creation theory
- going out of her mind with worry
- going out of his mind with worry
- going out of my mind with worry
- going out of one's mind with worry
- going out of their mind with worry
- going out of their minds with worry
- going out of your mind with worry
- going out of your minds with worry
- jacobus hercules de la rey
- jacobus hercules delarey
- like the cat that ate the canary
- like the cat that got the canary
- paolo gentiloni silveri
- sir james augustus henry murray
- verifiability theory