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Words that Almost Rhyme with candlemas
3 syllables
- acrobats
- allografts
- habitats
- happenstance
- canvasbacks
- aktographs
- albumblatts
- allographs
- allopaths
- amplistats
- aplanats
- applejacks
- astrographs
- battle-ax
- battlecrafts
- camelbacks
- crackajacks
- flannelgraphs
- fractographs
- gammagraphs
- hacklebacks
- hackmatacks
- manographs
- manostats
- naprapaths
- pallographs
- pantographs
- patent ax
- patent axs
- planographs
- plasmablasts
- rattletraps
- saddlebacks
- saxifrax
- tanglewracks
- tragacanths
- tragelaphs