Words to Describe wagon
How wagon often is described ("________ wagon")
- empty
- light
- closed
- broken
- topped
- red
- farm
- big
- single
- dead
- sturdy
- fashioned
- loaded
- wooden
- mule
- white
- springless
- commissary
- old
- covered
- rough
- baggage
- seated
- flat
- small
- heavy
- slow
- huge
- ordinary
- laden
- open
- little
- black
- down
- yellow
- wheeled
- gray
- battered
- foremost
- horse
- brown
- green
- overturned
- express
- station
- welcome
- moving
- front
- drawn
- occasional
- rickety
- stage
- lumber
- ice
- dilapidated
- rear
- runaway
- post
- road
- lumbering
- freight
- large
- tank
- circus
- blue
- and
- door
- last
- leading
- sided
- ton
- nearest