Words to Describe redwood
Things redwood often describes ("redwood ________")
How redwood often is described ("________ redwood")
- foot
- curly
- split
- majestic
- grained
- big
- single
- dead
- solid
- biggest
- dense
- fallen
- hollow
- coast
- dwarfed
- the
- hard
- magnificent
- inch
- heart
- clear
- old
- polished
- vertical
- sawn
- novel
- grade
- rough
- tall
- young
- indian
- felled
- unpainted
- virgin
- natural
- famous
- huge
- massive
- mighty
- blasted
- splintered
- unfinished
- californian
- resistant
- relative
- growth
- gigantic
- northern
- laminated
- coastal
- superior
- thick
- giant
- green
- nobler
- dried
- varnished
- stately
- untreated
- beautiful
- european
- charming
- baltic
- native
- solitary
- mature
- large
- stained
- quality
- tallest
- largest
- dark
- soft
- oldest
- enormous
- ancient
- weathered
- precious
- nearest